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Mar 29, 2009 11:18 PM

Aug 2008
if there was a an anime that follows excatly the storyline of the manga that have like 100+ episodes, is it worth it to watch it? cuz you know what will happen already and i just feel like it a big waste of time. how bout it?
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Mar 29, 2009 11:20 PM

Oct 2008
It depends on the series, and if the manga is good or not.
Mar 29, 2009 11:24 PM

Jul 2008
Uhhh, I read One Piece, Naruto and Bleach weekly. I still watch 2/3 series. Sure, maybe a waste but at least in the case of One Piece, I don't think I could ever get enough. Guess I've never really thought about it, but I started with the anime first, then read the manga. Maybe that has something to do with my screwy decisions.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Mar 29, 2009 11:24 PM

Aug 2008
Viperslayer said:
It depends on the series, and if the manga is good or not.
k. hitman reborn
Mar 30, 2009 3:53 AM

Mar 2009
Im not reading mangas... So i think anime is better!
Mar 30, 2009 6:15 AM

Feb 2009
Moving pictures in colour are hard to compete with.

I'd loooooove to read the manga but then again, I'd loooove to be able to find the manga in addition to afford the manga.

And downloaded manga just isn't my thing.
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Mar 30, 2009 8:09 AM

Dec 2008
Manga by far.

99% of Manga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime counterpart
Mar 30, 2009 8:18 AM

Dec 2008
Cowabunga said:
Manga by far.

99% of Manga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime counterpart

Well that is probably the case most of the time. The original of any kind of story will always be better than the adaptation, fact.

I prefer to watch anime though, I already read certain books.
Mar 30, 2009 8:34 AM
Dec 2008
Generally if I like it enough.. both.
Mar 30, 2009 8:42 AM
Nov 2008
Cowabunga said:
Manga by far.

99% of Manga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime counterpart


I like both, but I go for the original in most cases.

Mar 30, 2009 4:29 PM

Oct 2008
Anime should not follow the manga story because it would be too long and then, people will end up making the choice of either reading the manga or watching the anime rather than doing both because its the same thing.

People who had read the manga before watching an anime which shares the same title would find that the manga version is better. As for the ones who have yet to read the manga yet watch the anime may tend to give the anime a higher rating. Although, I would say that this is dependent on the anime and manga itself, but usually this is the case.
Apr 4, 2009 5:09 PM

Jan 2009
I guess it would be worth it..
its all depends though on the manga D<
Apr 4, 2009 5:10 PM

Dec 2008
i think manga... cause anime does end... plus .... megavideo still has that 74 minute thing, some websites dont have anymore anime vids on it.... so manga
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Apr 4, 2009 5:47 PM

Feb 2009
Manga to video likely suffers the same as any book to video to some extent.
While not technically anime, currently I am a big fan of Hatsune Miku.
At least I can go see her in concert.
Apr 4, 2009 5:48 PM

Apr 2008
I don't care for manga very much so anime. Though I prefer novels over either.
Apr 4, 2009 5:50 PM

Sep 2008
If an anime is 50+ eps, I'll probably just read the manga. I was having this exact conflict when I picked up Monster, as a matter of fact. Sometimes it is still worth it to watch the anime if there are major differences, but I wouldn't otherwise simply because I'd feel it was a waste of my time.
Apr 4, 2009 6:28 PM

Dec 2008
If the anime series was really good, of course I would read the manga

& &
Apr 4, 2009 6:48 PM
May 2008
I almost always see the anime first and if I liked the adaption enough I'll go back and read the manga. I rarely watch shows that go over 26 eps so it not really a decision based on length.
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Apr 5, 2009 12:09 AM

Aug 2008
it depends really on which you check out 1st or which you prefer but there are some instances for example such as the bleach and naruto animes that i watched before i read the mangas have become incredibly polluted with fillers that i stopped watching them about 2 years ago and have been reading the mangas ever since.
but this is just the case for those 2 most mangas beacuse normally i'd check out the anime of a series 1st then if the studios do thier usually manga devations to end the series with suckass endings i then venture to see what the manga had in store.

But like i said imo its really a matter or your preference or which version you check out 1st
Apr 5, 2009 7:05 PM

Jul 2008
i dont read alot of manga. but i admit there are some good mangas out there. and if you have the time and the money to buy then i wouldn't mind reading. but then again i dont buy them or wanna read them online so i watch anime instead. its alot better for me, with the bgm and the voices and everything.
one thing i dont like is reading the manga and then watching it and then having everything mixed up espcially when the anime doesnt do a really good job at it. then that makes me mad so i prefer to do just one thing
Jun 1, 2009 10:29 AM

Nov 2008
Most anime are based on manga whereas there are some mangas that are based from an anime series

Lizlet L Chelsie and Anri Hiiragi are my waifus!! XD
Jun 1, 2009 10:30 AM

Apr 2009
I like anime better than manga because of music, color, voice..

I do like manga if Ive seen the animated version of it beforehand.
Jun 1, 2009 10:33 AM

Jun 2008
In most cases the Manga is always better than the anime, but it all depends of course.
Jun 10, 2009 12:47 PM

Jun 2009
The problem of anime is when the producers corrupt the origianl story. Also the episode fillers and the "fillers" inside a original episode(they prolong a single chapter of the manga with silence and flash back until you falll asleep) are a pain in the ass. A good point, even better than the movement, is the songs and ost. The color sometimes disappointes, mainly in the hair. manga only have black, white, and a intermediate color, not exactly gray. So you always assume that a character has a black, blond or red hair, but in anime they invent a lot of colors that in many cases dont match at all. When both are nice, idont think its boring to see a second time (except when there a lot of episodes and youre starting to watch now and you dont have the courage). When the anime its really well done, like Soul eater, I recommend watch the anime (you'll see the worst fake end ever) and then keep reading the manga.
kurodayuchiJun 10, 2009 12:53 PM
Jun 10, 2009 12:58 PM

Feb 2005
The original usually is the best, and the manga is usually the original.

But there is no valid general answer, every case must be examined on its own.
Jun 10, 2009 2:23 PM

Apr 2009
Differences in medium should always be accounted for when making adaptations. The LoTR movie would've been a whole day long if they had adapted the book word for word, for instance, and I doubt there's a soul that would've watched the whole thing without being bored to tears.

Though I prefer it when they do it ala Douglas Adams: brand new story with only some similarities between versions. Sometimes they're dull, sometimes they're not but you never know what'll happen which makes for a much more interesting experience, and sometimes they're even better than what came before it.
No problem is insoluble in all conceivable circumstances.
Jun 10, 2009 2:46 PM
Jun 2008
Both are fine. Some things are best read and some are best watched. That is all.
Jun 10, 2009 2:51 PM

Jun 2009
In my opinion some generes are better drawn into a manga than to be animated. Where it goes the opposite way around too, where the anime can be better than the manga.

Comedy is better suited for manga in my opinion and action would look better animated.
[Your Sig, But With Cake.]
Jun 10, 2009 4:35 PM

Apr 2009
anime host far greater potential.
I mean just by overlooking the basic feats of anime; theres colour, sound, motion. its all and all a more "giving" and empathic experience.
so if these elements of anime excel - anime simply wins.

Jun 10, 2009 5:52 PM

Apr 2008
I like both anime and manga, sometimes one winning over the other.

Lukasdesu said:
anime host far greater potential.
I mean just by overlooking the basic feats of anime; theres colour, sound, motion. its all and all a more "giving" and empathic experience.
so if these elements of anime excel - anime simply wins.

I agree a lot with this. :D I think since anime is... well animated, it gives a better feel for the characters and situations than a manga could. And besides, if there wasnt anime, how would I ever find such good Seiyuu to fawn over?

Jun 10, 2009 6:10 PM

Oct 2008
Lukasdesu said:
anime host far greater potential.
I mean just by overlooking the basic feats of anime; theres colour, sound, motion. its all and all a more "giving" and empathic experience.
so if these elements of anime excel - anime simply wins.
Very true. I find, however (well I've found so far with reading manga), that if an anime fails in someway, it fails much harder than if a manga were to fail. Though I'm new to manga so maybe I haven't come across the REALLY bad stuff yet.
Jun 10, 2009 7:18 PM

Mar 2009
With an anime that follows the manga story line to the very letter, I think I'd enjoy it a great deal. Sure, you may know what's to come, but there's something about seeing your favorite manga story come to life that gets you excited to see the anime.

Heck, you even for those anime series that drift off into their own anime only ending at times offers decent entertainment (albeit rarely).

Fillers however, usually are hard to swallow because they can't advance the plot or further push any character development for fear that they might due irrevocable harm to it's manga counterpart.
Jun 10, 2009 8:26 PM

Jul 2008
cantius said:
The anime counterpart for Mushishi is far better than the manga. IMO.

^ this (forgiving that the anime is a bit shorter than the manga)

I'm not a real big fan of manga. I just can't follow them as easily as I can anime (this mostly happens during fight scenes) and anime is more colorful and holds my attention easier, yay. :D

If I want to find out anything different that happened in the manga, I'd usually ask someone rather than spend time to read it. :P
Jun 10, 2009 8:49 PM
Dec 2008
There are mangas that are better than the anime, and vice versa. Majority of the cases though, I'll say the manga is better. Of course, there are those where both the anime and manga are good.

I choose not to read/watch both the anime and manga, since I'll most probably be disappointed by one of them. The only exceptions are bleach and naruto, where I dropped the anime and started reading the manga instead.
Jun 10, 2009 9:31 PM
Jul 2018
Well, I've seen Mushishi mentioned in this topic... I've also found Natsume Yuujinchou's anime version to be more enjoyable than the manga version.

Aside from those, I think most works based on 4 panel comics are usually better in their anime versions. K-On, Lucky Star, Azumanga Daioh (to a lesser extent) are some pretty good examples of this.

I could probably name quite a few more works that were better in their anime form since I remember doing so in numerous topics like this one here on MAL, but I'm a bit too lazy to pull up my anime list and shuffle through it.

But as for this statement...

Lukasdesu said:
anime host far greater potential.
I mean just by overlooking the basic feats of anime; theres colour, sound, motion. its all and all a more "giving" and empathic experience.
so if these elements of anime excel - anime simply wins.

I think it's a naive oversimplification and inaccurate representation of the actual industry and medium.

With anime, you have to work through a different, more corporate, and much more commercial hierarchy in the creative process, deal with budgeting, schedule / time-slot constraints to your liberty with the representation of content, work-loading issues and problems with quality-control once you start to out-source, art-style simplification due to it needing to be more mass-production friendly, and etc.

So this talk of potential should really be put in context and the quality of an anime work will always be bottle-necked by numerous factors unrelated to an honest, artistic representation. With manga, while there are still some restrictions in place, they're no where near as tiring as those put on animation studios and it shows through -- mangas are often much "purer" work.

An example of this would be the Kare Kano anime... which I thought was much better than the manga through the first dozen episodes or so... and then, the shit hit the fan and the nature of the industry killed the show.

I forgot where I read the specifics but IIRC, around episode 17, feuds broke out between the sponsors, the original manga artist, and the director, who had done a great job with the show IMO. Anno was replaced by someone who just didn't have the same ingenuity when it came to characterization, story-telling and dealing with budget constraints in an effective way... and the show just started to crash and burn from that point on.
removed-userJun 10, 2009 9:35 PM
Jun 11, 2009 1:40 AM

Dec 2008
manga - trash.
Jun 11, 2009 2:30 AM

Mar 2009
It depends. If I like the manga's plot, then I'd want the anime to go exactly the same (or they could include extras WITHOUT changing the plot)

If the manga's plot not very good, then they could modify it in the anime.
Jun 11, 2009 2:51 AM
Jul 2018
Evrae said:
Evrae - trash.

Here, I fixed that for you.
Jun 11, 2009 3:15 AM

Feb 2008
I'm getting tired of anime honestly, but I've started reading more manga recently and I'm enjoying it. It seems manga has a much wider range of content than anime too, so there's something for everybody to like.

So if you asked me 6-18 months ago I'd say anime, but I'm starting to prefer manga now and I'm distancing from anime bit by bit.
Jun 11, 2009 4:19 AM

Dec 2008
Brian333 said:
Evrae said:
Evrae - trash.

Here, I fixed that for you.

wow, you sure told me. rofl retard..
Jun 11, 2009 4:42 AM

Apr 2009
Brian333 said:

So this talk of potential should really be put in context and the quality of an anime work will always be bottle-necked by numerous factors unrelated to an honest, artistic representation. With manga, while there are still some restrictions in place, they're no where near as tiring as those put on animation studios and it shows through -- mangas are often much "purer" work.

well of course.. you've gotta have the perspective of the series in mind, but if I put it like this; you have a great plot, great character designs and so on... if you actually could pull it off with a animated show, I really have a hard time seeing manga surpassing that..
you're preaching about restrictions, my statement revolves around the actual potential of anime, not about all the downsides getting there

Jun 11, 2009 7:12 AM
Jul 2018
Lukasdesu said:
well of course.. you've gotta have the perspective of the series in mind, but if I put it like this; you have a great plot, great character designs and so on... if you actually could pull it off with a animated show, I really have a hard time seeing manga surpassing that..
you're preaching about restrictions, my statement revolves around the actual potential of anime, not about all the downsides getting there

No, I just factor in limitations to upside into the actual assessment of potential. Kind of like saying how an athlete has amazing athleticism but is effectively retarded. Resulting potential? not so good.

I don't think we'll ever see an anime work adapted from a manga that doesn't have a ton of limitations so I don't really see the point of removing its upside from that context and judging it as an isolated factor. It is what it is. Anime is very much a commercial and corporate industry and those factors are very much a part of its potential. It's not art for art's sake.

If you want to talk about pure upside and ignore reality, that's fine. I was just pointing out that it was a naive oversimplification and inaccurate representation of anime.
Jun 11, 2009 8:18 AM
Dec 2008
What Lukasdesu said ain't wrong though, anime does have the potential to make manga works better. While the current times make such cases few, if we talk about advancements in the future, I'm sure those 'limits' will slowly be lifted from anime production. Potential is there, just that it hasn't been realized. In the case of a retarded athlete, train him like a dog and he'll still win medals for you lol.

On a side note, pretty much everything is commercialized these days. Manga is no exception.
Jun 11, 2009 9:02 AM

Apr 2009
Brian333 said:
Lukasdesu said:
well of course.. you've gotta have the perspective of the series in mind, but if I put it like this; you have a great plot, great character designs and so on... if you actually could pull it off with a animated show, I really have a hard time seeing manga surpassing that..
you're preaching about restrictions, my statement revolves around the actual potential of anime, not about all the downsides getting there

No, I just factor in limitations to upside into the actual assessment of potential. Kind of like saying how an athlete has amazing athleticism but is effectively retarded. Resulting potential? not so good.

I don't think we'll ever see an anime work adapted from a manga that doesn't have a ton of limitations so I don't really see the point of removing its upside from that context and judging it as an isolated factor. It is what it is. Anime is very much a commercial and corporate industry and those factors are very much a part of its potential. It's not art for art's sake.

If you want to talk about pure upside and ignore reality, that's fine. I was just pointing out that it was a naive oversimplification and inaccurate representation of anime.

an athlete is like any human, just more fit, and very determined.

Jun 11, 2009 9:39 AM

Apr 2009
I'd say it's pretty much even between manga & anime, I'd still go with manga though, because I simply just love the art. the angles, the envoirments, even the framework and chat bubbles, everything about it

but yeah, a fine anime is hard to beat, a nice soundtrack, good voice acts, etc...
but, the entire image you have of a decent anime can easily be smashed by fillers.
not only that, most anime adaptations gets their original plots raped, like when a manga is over 200 chapters and they try to squeeze that into 24 episodes. that always ends up with a lame-ass cliché ending.

but I do think that every decent manga should have an anime, and I do think it definitely shouldn't be the other way around, a manga adaptation out of a anime is just superfluous

and if your only argument on anime is "it's got color and movement! meeeh~"
then you're a damn child, anyone can see the moving and colors in a manga if they just use their brain, making movement from a normal reading book would be impossible though, I don't think even Houdini could pull that one off

and why would athletes be retarded? I don't get it 0_0
shame on you Brian333, do you speak to your mother with that mouth?
LowindJun 11, 2009 10:10 AM
Jun 11, 2009 10:15 AM

Apr 2007
I don't like manga, it has no sound, color, voices...

On the other hand, anime will never follow the manga 100%. So what, I can live with that, I never compare it anyway.
Jun 11, 2009 10:44 AM

Apr 2009
since they're often based on eachother, it's hard not to compare...
and as I said earlier, color, movement, sound and voice is overrated as it could be horrible, like sucky voice acts or just bad music
not to mention that the animators could just do a very poor work
Jun 11, 2009 11:55 AM

Apr 2009
this is just gettnig tedious...

Jun 12, 2009 6:33 AM

Apr 2009
Brian333 said:
Lukasdesu said:
well of course.. you've gotta have the perspective of the series in mind, but if I put it like this; you have a great plot, great character designs and so on... if you actually could pull it off with a animated show, I really have a hard time seeing manga surpassing that..
you're preaching about restrictions, my statement revolves around the actual potential of anime, not about all the downsides getting there

No, I just factor in limitations to upside into the actual assessment of potential. Kind of like saying how an athlete has amazing athleticism but is effectively retarded. Resulting potential? not so good.

I don't think we'll ever see an anime work adapted from a manga that doesn't have a ton of limitations so I don't really see the point of removing its upside from that context and judging it as an isolated factor. It is what it is. Anime is very much a commercial and corporate industry and those factors are very much a part of its potential. It's not art for art's sake.

If you want to talk about pure upside and ignore reality, that's fine. I was just pointing out that it was a naive oversimplification and inaccurate representation of anime.

it does have the potential, the extent of the upsides are wider than the downsides, also, the things you point out as "reality" isnt even a necessity for the producing of anime

Jun 12, 2009 7:14 AM

Jun 2009
Anime Over Manga

2 lazy to read stuff. and anime adds more random crap-the bount season in bleach never appeared in mangas i bleieve-
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