Simple Dietary Mistake STOPPED His HEART: Medical Mystery Solved
- Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
- Meet Ryan, a previously healthy man who developed unusual symptoms related to his diet. This medical mystery unravels the critical role of nutrition in health, exposing how a simple vitamin deficiency can have devastating consequences. If you’ve ever wondered how your diet impacts your heart and nervous system or what happens when the body is deprived of essential nutrients, this case will leave you stunned.
This video was adapted from a peer-reviewed medical case report published by Cureus. Click to read the original case!
This video is made for educational purposes only and should not be viewed as medical advice. Speak to your doctor if you have any concerns about your health.
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~ Siobhan (Violin MD) ~
Weird DIET Causes DEMENTIA: Medical Mystery Solved
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📸 Image Credits:
Neural Academy: / @medzcool
Medzcool: / @medzcool
Hybrid Medical Animation: / @hybridmedical
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How about yellow rice?
Hi, I've just watching this video, and bingo!, I have the very same symptoms.....back to the viideo.
@7:38... omg, is it early on set of freakin' _scurvy?_ 😮 That is my guess! I'll be back. 😂
EDIT: Well now, THAT was super fast. @8:07 I went from scurvy to pellegra? (nope that's a niacin deficiency.) Oh, I give up, back to the video. 😂😂😂😂❤
Yeah I have VASOVAGAL SYNCOPE really bad with needles what about my random bruises I have on my legs
@@Digitalhunny there is sense in what she is saying, the numbness shit, yup!
Medical schools seriously need to focus way more on nutrition!!!
Medical schools?? ALL SCHOOLS
I agree! Luckily my school talked a ton about this stuff for some reason (probably because our biochemistry education was very robust) but it's so unfortunate how a lot of people learn this stuff when studying for Step 1 or even during residency!
And learning how glucose and insulin actually work (amazing how they never even test fasting insulin 🤦). How much insulin is it taking to get that A1C? Your doc has no idea. Do you have insulin resistance? Your doc has No idea.
Low fat diets kill. Diabetes and dementia epidemics are a direct result. This Malpractice took my dad Way too early. The whole anti fat argument was based on 100% fraud including bribes by the sugar industry. Look it up.
Every doctors office should have a Registered Dietitian on staff like they have a nurse. Nutrition information should come from a nutrition expert REGISTERED DIETITIAN
Why isn't a full nutritional panel done as standard of care?
Cuz then you can’t prescribe expensive drugs lol
The thing to do is get your blood work done by your doctor annually or pay for the lab tests yourself. Then ask your doctor how you can improve your results. If he or she can’t help, take your results to a holistic physician or do the research yourself.
The medical field, like every other field is plagued by it.
MDs receive almost no education in nutrition if they don't specialize in it.
I did a DNA test with health. It came back with several minerals low. I have added them back in & will do I an updated test to see if they increase. Also when adding vitamins or minerals, ck to see if they are free from cadmium, lead.
Agree. I had to visit way to many doctors/specialists before someone decided to check my Vit D3 level. Turns our I had a life-threatening Vit D3 deficiency, which explained a bunch of my symptoms.
The interesting thing to me is cardiologist didn’t think to ask “hey, what do you eat?” Before fitting him with a defibrillator.
As many have noted, doctors don't spend a lot of time learning nutrition science in med school.
Most doctors treat symptoms but don’t look for causes, especially if it’s the ER, where they just focus on making sure you are not immediately about to die. Then they send you to your primary care. At least that has been my experience. Not all, but most doctors focus on easing or eliminating symptoms, they don’t bother for looking into causes.
That is what i was thinking even am mad!..
Now the poor guy has extra problems and all he needed was thiamine (B1)..
What is happening to Doctors nowadays?...
And in the beginning of the Doctor's video it sounds like the patient has an (eating disorder) was food selective my 1st thought was?.. the patient has a (Deficiency problem).
He had only coffe and bread during the day and (1 meal at night)? That is danger levels of not getting nutrients and eating the same meals? That is a (selective eater) and that is life threatening to your body..🚨⚠️🚨😮
@ I agree, it sounds like an eating disorder to me too. Especially because the person is strongly focused on the job instead of their well being. I find it hard to eat the same 2 times in a row. I feel I have to add some variation. It would be even harder to eat the same over and over.
I agrre I also think the patient didn't want to get fat since his job was only sitting down. I hate being on a diet my doctor she told me you need to go on a diet and I looked at her and said?... are you crazy?!. Do you want me to lose all my nutrients and die!...😡😂😂
She gave me this look..😐👈 and said?.. (your too fat you have no other options..)
She only said that because I told her to give it to me straight and bluntly I told her I said I have thick skin just call me fat I can take it..
Being on a diet is dangerous but I have no choice!.. LOL 😂😂🤷♂️
I got to give Doctors credit they are very professional even under (obvious circumstances) they are the most polite and intelligent people I have ever met..🥰🥰
April 2024 I started getting severe chest pains that felt like lightening strike or stabbing sharp pains that went on for 48 hours. Canceled my vacation at airport and was taken to hospital. Four hours later they found nothing wrong with me after multiple tests. Also had racing heart and difficulty breathing. Doctor tried 4 different inhalers over next 8 week period but nothing worked. A few weeks later I came across a RUclips video about B1 Benfotiamine! Took one week of 6 pills per day to get rid of chest pains and can breathe better too. Lung specialist has no idea what is happening. Doesn’t believe in B1.
One year later I’m now down to only 3 benfotiamine tablets per day. Thank god for RUclips!
"Doesn't believe in B1"😅
The let me be the doctor syndrome
Good work!
@@lindaashmore1246 benfotiamine is basically the antidote of current lifestyle, sugar, stress, altered circ rythms, chronic cortisol and blood sugar, yet majority of people have never even heard of it. God you don't even get it in the vast majority of b complexes unless you pay a lot of money for a high quality one.
People like you make fun of people self diagnosing. You will realise once you get older and start feeling bad, that 98% of us will not get help or treatment. And cases like above mentioned are the absolute rarity in real life. Most docs do not care. They care if you die within a couple days and if not then get out so he can deal with the next patient, if you don't die he won't get sued so he won't care. If you have any chronic issues your only way to solve them will be yourself. Hope you do good in life to never experience the mess our healthcare system really is.
how much in mg?
This happened en masse to the Japanese Navy during the late 1800’s. Enlisted sailors were only served white rice while at sea. Entire crews got sick, many died and ships had to return to port.
B 1 Deficiency
They should of eaten Spanish rice instead.
I had HS teacher who taught us health and he always said a bag of nuts was worth more to you then a bag of chips. So he would help us create snack bags filled with walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds and pistachios. I honestly might go back to doing that again, I would never feel super hungry and my mental focus would stay on par. Best part he brought that stuff in during midterms and finals. It did actually improve our test scores by a few points just because we were able to stay focused.
That so nice of him
Badass 🏆
He's nuts 🤪
Humans are not meant to consume leaves or seeds, we are designed to eat meat.
@@HiloBoiz808 Not "only" meat. Leaves (if not poisonous of course) are a perfectly normal part of (including prehistoric) human's diets. All evidence points to a mix of plants and animals. Not "all of one, or all of the other." The "extremism" thing of our recent fad diets is just a total ping-ponging back and forth: First, it was "veganism is everything" just because SOME animal products had toxic additives, but most vegans apparently were not aware of the possibility of trying HEALTHY animal foods. THEN, it was "carnivore diet is everything" just because SOME... highly PROCESSED plant foods are either full of toxic additives or lacking essential nutrients. But that's not true of many WHOLE plant foods that are perfectly nutritious and NOT harmful.
I get so sick of the "all or none" mindset. And again, all actual archeological etc. evidence suggests humans are made to eat BOTH. The proportions can be argued about, yes, but there's definitely not a case for "all of one" or "all of the other".
Moral of the story: asking about one's diet , for differential diagnosis, can solve many health issues and prevent hospitalisation
Hey a message to everyone: you are worth it!❤️
I’m a cardiac registered dietitian. This is one reason why we are essential health care workers. With a simple 24 hour diet recall, maybe he would have had an answer sooner.
And wouldn’t have had unnecessary tests/treatments and less medical costs!!!
So is microwaving broccoli better than boiling? Or should I just eat it raw for the best results?
@@heidirees9647ViolinMD is in Canada, so if Ryan is as well, no costs at all.
@@heidirees9647Both Violin MD and Ryan are in Canada, so no medical bills
@@Socrates-jz3oo *anything* is better than boiling, unless you're also eating the broth
Canadian here from Niagara region. I was at the heart clinic to get an ultrasound. It was so bad they sent me to the Er. Within a few hours more tests were done and I was admitted to hospital with cardic failure . It took 2 weeks to stabilize me then I was given a new aortic valve with a few days to recover before going home followed up by at home visits from every professional to make sure I had the correct diet, exercises, and was given more tests and continued follow up visits at the hospital and blood tests every month. I have had problems with the pharmaceuticals but have been given a full regime of vitamins from the get go. Also my diet is montitored continually and a register physiotherapis comes every two weeks. I was born with a tricky heart. But at 78 I have been lucky.
Insane that all it takes is the deficit of 1 vitamin to take you out
It's something everything should be aware of. There are in fact over 26 nutrients that are "essential nutrients" that can do the same thing if we are lacking just one of those. The title of "essential" is no joke! Good news is... ALL of those 26+ essential nutrients CAN be obtained on a whole food diet (I know; I've done the intense calculations to show myself) :)
The reason he has normal magnesium is that it is primarily an intracellular cation and we measure the amount of magnesium in the serum (blood plasma minus clotting factors). So you can have normal magnesium and have magnesium deficiency because most is inside the cell.
Thank you for that explanation. I wondered why my tests came back fine for mag but I had symptoms.
No Mg serum deficiency - it’s normal and intracellular level is irrelevant. Thiamine itself likely caused the Torsades and mechanism is unknown. Mg was a red herring. Moreover, thiamine may not even be the cause and in reality it may be an unknown (idiopathic) cause - perhaps multi factorial with a major component being his malnutrition and likely anorexia.
Who else just randomly found Dr. Violin videos one day, and had been watching ever since?! 🥰🥰🥰
I'm too, among those!
I love love love medical mysteries
March 21, 2025 my first video with her
A miracle his brother was there.
God sent him
Does anyone else see these and only click to avoid having the issue happen to them 😂❤ I'm like "oh no! I need to watch to avoid this" 😂
My mom had symptoms of a severe heart issue for 4 months and it took 4 ER visits for medical professionals to decide to do a heart cath. She had a 98% blockage in one artery and 80% in another… I remember the fear, frustration, and anger. I felt while watching her struggle through each day for months on end, and each time they sent her home saying nothing was wrong that they could… I became more and more afraid and desperate for her to push them to look harder, and figure out some thing because it was obvious that some thing was horribly wrong. I felt like it was her heart from the very first symptom that she told me, and even though I was on a few of these ER visit with her, and I told them what I thought, they listened to the test results instead of the human input given. I lost a lot of faith in the entire medical field with that instance… My mother went on to have a great deal of trouble having anyone pay attention to exactly how sick she was before finally getting diagnosed with cancer as well. I’m not really scared of getting severely ill in the future because honestly, I will just let whatever it is take me out without much of a fight… But if I were ever deathly ill, and I knew that going to the ER was my only option at the time… I would not have any kind of belief that they would actually figure out what was wrong if it required any special testing that is not normally done… I respect medical professionals, and they have likely successfully treated more people than they have failed, but it is so disheartening to watch exactly how negligent they can be. My mom’s cancer journey… I feel as if it was filled to the brim with medical malpractice. I was prepared to pursue that, but she told me that she did not want an autopsy done on her body, and she also did not want to be embalmed because she was tired of being cut open and poked at… I respected her wishes and I let my concerns lay to rest with her… But I still wish there was something I could do.
If this guy would have been receiving treatment in Alabama… I don’t think he would’ve had a chance of getting diagnosed properly.
I know what you’re talking about and I’m so sorry this happened to your mom. Add to this that many doctors also feel free to terrorize people who are having a health crisis by casually telling them they have 6 months - 12 months to live… The terrible stress of that unnecessary and flawed information alone can kill you. It’s horrible what’s happened to our “health care”……. 😳🥵
Blessings to you and to your poor mother 😢. This is the same problem in Australia and your post explains the situation very well.
Blessings to you too Courtney, and you are correct about what they say to patients and the state of 'health care." 🙏
I am sorry that your mother had to experience that. It must have been extremely difficult to go through. However, if certain criteria are not met, they are not going to do an emergent cath on her. It would not be considered good medicine due to the risk. I have worked in both the ED and cath lab. Moreover, if she had been to the ED four times for symptomatic complaints, I would put the blame on her general cardiologist, but that is me being short sighted.
Please get the book: the Essiac Report. Read the letters in the back first. Floressence Tea removes heavy metals and pesticides gently over three to four months or four to six boxes. In-som-nia ends day 15. An-xiety and depression slowly dissappear over the next weeks and months. Floride wrecks it 40%. Distilled water in plastic wrecks it 60%. So use well water or distilled water in your glass gallons from the water store. This worked on my stage 4, "you have 3 to 6 months " friend. She made it another 7 years. Suposed to repeate same 3 months yearly to reset again.
A large group of professionals are trying the fenbendizol parasite med plus high E and most use cannabis with it. A website they started. 2% failure rate.
Please copy, it will come again for someone.
Also a shitaki cousin did same. Waora might have bought study. Many mushrooms have this help.
All run about 3 to 4 months
Same thing happened to me. Different ER hospitals sent me home with acid reflux and finally, after me nagging they did a heart Cath and u had 90 percent blockage in one major artery. They don't want to listen to u, they think they're God and know everything.
I had a weird experience and it only happened one time. My heart started to beat real slow, like in between beats was like 10 seconds, i started feel faint, started sweating, i couldnt lay down because i was one the bleachers at my daughters graduation. With the help of my ex husband , with difficulty i was able to walk out and go to the car to lay down. I fell asleep. Hours later i was back to normal and it had never happened again. While all of this was happening, i felt like i was literally dying, so i juat kept calling out Jesus name over and over again. I believe by His grace, He had mercy on me. I always wondered what happened to me that day. I had quit my job amd decided to retire because my job was extremely stressful. So i didn't have insurance to go see a doctor, so i never went.
I had Covid and then Long-Covid. My Long-Covid included loss of appetite as a symptom. I lost 60 lbs before the Long-Covid resolved. I worried that I was doing harm to myself by not eating enough food and a variety of food. (There were periods when I could only tolerate iceberg lettuce.) Fortunately, I did not permanently harm myself as far as I know. Eventually, my appetite returned. That's when I knew my time with Long-Covid had come to an end. This video reminded me that I had dodged a bullet.
Thank you Siobhan for all you do to educate us lay-men and -women!
Exact same for me, except i could only eat tomato choice of fave foods has not returned, i force myself to eat to live, not for enjoyment, this makes it difficult to put weight on.
@@wannabetrucker7475 Alas, my appetite returned before Thanksgiving. I always could put it away. I gained nearly 40 lbs over the holiday season. I have been on a diet the last 6 months. I find it difficult to control my impulses, but I'm getting it done.
When researchers discuss GI problems during Long-Covid, they never include loss of appetite. I would have traded my lettuce for your tomato soup! I hope all is well!
You are basically doing intermittent fasting as a result from the long COVID. This is good for you. If you can afford to lose 60 lbs, it’s not a problem.
@heythave That's how I look at it now, and I could afford to lose 60 lbs save for the fact that I needed to buy clothes that fit the slime me but might not fit once I regained the weight.
@@heythave I lost 40 pounds because of symptoms from a different illness. The last 20 pounds were unaffordable. My friend went from 130 pounds to 86 before she passed away. People who are sick are not dieting.
3 habits that changed my health forever:
1. A cleaner diet
2. Reading book Rethinking Health Secrets
3. Stopped eating excess sugar
This happened to my daughter, after expensive , extensive tests and telling her it was all in her head . She saw a cardiologist and neurologist. She has POTS . She is 30 .
Post vaccination?
@ it’s is believed to be, but no one’s actually wants to say, only hinted at.
probably K deficiency
This is why I supplement with benfotiamine (highly adsorbable and inexpensive): I cut-back on most dark greens due their high oxalates (and in some nuts) interfering with magnesium absorption (I take a liquid ionic supplement now). Its made a world of difference in ending the "tingling" (probably some neuropathy going on too) and helping leveling-out my heart rhythm; plus I've been doing Keto (now Ketovore) for the past 3 years. Lost 90 lbs, reversed my T2 diabetes, got off all my BP meds, got rid of my edema and sore joints, and ended all my childhood allergies which I had all my life (now 64). This video was a timely reminder for me to take my B1, since I haven't in 4 weeks (been at home out of my routine); I was starting to have issues with tingling (its cleared up since this morning).
Why didn’t they run a vitamin and mineral panel and ask what he eats BEFORE the pace maker? B1 is related to depression and Alzheimers too! A lot of us try to avoid the processed junk carb loaded food. This reminds me to take my multi vitamins and supplements. Thank you! ❤❤❤
Thank you for saying he was “nauseated” and not nauseous. 👍
Yes! my pet peeve too!
Tomato/ toe mah tow
@@GDoggy-em2xc Has nothing to do with pronunciation. 🤦🏻♀️
@@joycewalbert1413 👍
@@GDoggy-em2xc Let's call the whole thing off. No, really- they are each different words with different definitions. Nauseated means feeling sick. Nauseous means CAUSING sickness.😇🥰
This knowledge about the importance of vitamins should be taught to children. Now I remember that I read ( probably in an old Reader's Digest magazine ) that the Inuit got vitamine C only from the bone marrow of whatever they could hunt and they needed to eat it raw!
Yes, it's crazy how little people know about nutrition. I that Reader's Digest was probably exaggerating. There's actually a lot of berries available in Alaska during the summer, and meat from any animal that makes it's own vitamin C it another source (though it would have to be raw).
Our educational system needs to be extremely overhauled !!! What does the current convicted Felon's administration say? Keep them dumb or how he loves the uneducated!
The need for vitamin C diminishes greatly when carbohydrates are eliminated from the diet.
I look up things like, "if i drink coffee all day, what vitamins get depleted ?"
Correlation ≠ causation
@mark-ish Regardless, it’s good information to have as part of a larger picture.
This is why I love nutrition!
Oooh I got this one!!!! My biochemistry modules for my forensics degree has paid off! I’ve also suffered from a B1 deficiency. I have gastroparesis and almost d ied from malnutrition. My jejunostomy has changed that!
Why you are suffering from malnutrition ? I think we dont need too much of b1 and all nutrients so how did you have b1 defficiency and malnutrition ?
How did you know that you was almost died from malnutrition ? How many killograms you are ? Are you underweight or what ? You dont eat fruits and veggie ? And maybe milk with eggs etc...?
@@mimimo6901I literally said it. I have gastroparesis, an extremely serious medical condition where my stomach is paralysed. I hadn’t kept anything I’d eaten down for 12 weeks. Shan’t be giving you my test results as they’re none of your business.
@@laratheplanespotter Hahahaha !! I just asked because you wrote about your condition !!!! Why so angry !! 😲
@@mimimo6901it was the way you asked. It sounded very similar to how many doctors speak to me. They don’t believe me and let me almost starve to death before they even began to consider giving me a feeding tube. You could have asked in a more sympathetic manner.
unfortunately I’m in a bad place right now. All my conditions are stopping me from working and I’m angry about it because I worked so hard to get where I was. 15 years of hard work down the toilet. Please understand that people in my position have many many hurdles to overcome. And it’s rude to ask what people’s weight.
being psychiatrist myself even i started to think of beriberi after few minutes into this video, i call it malpractice on cardiologist side
Cardiologist probably didn't knew about neuropathy.
So that means I can also sue you if you diagnose depression on patients with hypothyroidism?
@@deproissantnot quite, these 2 instances are extremely different, and just like anything in medicine, it’s not at all simple.
1. In the video, the cardiologist should’ve not missed the other symptoms the patient had unrelated to the heart, especially when it came to doing something invasive like a ICD, on a supposed congenital QT syndrome (without ruling out all other causes that are not genetic) . This is kinda iffy, and very prone to malpraxis
2. Hypothyroidism can aggravate depressive symptoms, but depression it’s way more complicated than that, and it’s not caused solely by thyroid hormones. So even if you test thyroid function (which every well trained psych in my country does, btw i think it’s even in the protocols?!) and treat if deficient, the “true” depression will magically go away just like that, thus it’s unlikely to misdiagnose someone with depression when all they actually had was hypothyroid (at least of course if you are a completely idiot of a practitioner, which most psych MDs are not, at least in my country)
Thanks for asking. Currently , I have a bottle of Magnesium 500s, which I ~halve~ and take morning / evening. The 'evening part' is the most critical 👀.Both my aging wife and I noticed that : in a days time , the nitetime cramps were GONE! 🤯🤗
Hello, what brand of magnesium do you take please?
@@mbrumaire87 Nature's Own , or similar brand.Stuff major retailers stock. Or off of Amazon where you can compare
I knew a woman with Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. She's in a nursing home in another state now. It's a tragic thing to see.
Out of all the channels I subscribe to, yours, and only yours is the one I never skip over. Not only do I find your cases fascinating, I pick up valuable information on my own nutritional situation. As I'm trying to become vegan (or as close ss I can) you keep me on my toes. Keep up the great work. I love what you and your hubby are doing.
Veganism is really unhealthy for humans
I am soo happy for the guy! And this is why folks a balanced and varied died is important!
Very helpful content. It seems that testing for thiamine deficiency when ECG shows long QT interval and there is no known cause should be a part of the standard procedure.
I expect it will be be once AI takes over It could have been resolved with a simple checklist too possibly.
Love learning how our body works
We need more videos like this, thank you. No one in the ER ever listens to people and just ignore nutrients and everything else.
You may have just explained the reason behind a lot of symptoms I’ve been having. While I do not drink alcohol or coffee, I do drink energy drinks. I just looked, and the one I drink doesn’t contain B-1. I do not have a varied diet either. Thank you for this episode. I’m going to speak to the doc and until I can get an appointment, I’m going to take a supplement and try to get past my nausea to eat a bit more varied diet.
I know a man whose heart has permanent damage from drinking “energy drinks”. He’s a strapping young man who is now unable to work and is seriously disabled…… That stuff should be outlawed.
May I add my 2 cents worth! You stated patient had started a new job. Perhaps lack of good sleep and lack of exercise? I suggest a good exercise program, good sleep, vitamins, eggs and steak daily
As always very informative thank you, I can listen to you all day, a wonderful voice very well spoken.
A balanced diet....what a concept...
As soon as I heard that he only ate boiled/steamed chicken and white rice, I thought “He sounds like a prime initials guy _presenting to the emergency room_ 👨🏼⚕👆 in a Chubbyemu vid.”.
Balanced what is the question…
Balanced means a lot of plant defense toxins. No thanks. Keep feeling bad though. Whatever.
@ My impression was that he heard somewhere that bodybuilders ate a lot of chicken and rice -- so he just assumed he'd be okay doing that diet. Aside from PEDs, bodybuilders also take a ton of supplements, which I'm sure include those missing from their chicken and rice diet.
@@VernCrisler That's the thing many people are missing. There's been some morbidly obese guys that lived over a year on water and supplements alone, but you first need specific genes and body type to even attempt something like that safely and then still a blood-screening every few months would be advisable. Just assuming that some radical diet not at all inline with once own reality would be a decent fit ought to be foolish.
In this case the non-fortified food of Canada and ignorance be healthcare providers is partially to blame as well; maybe also the education system.
You explain this beautifully and for non medical specialists to understand.
This is essential information brilliantly delivered.
You are a wonderful teacher.
Thank you for all you do.
Thank you!
I agree
This is the best doctor on Utube.
Thank you fellow Canadian 💕 🍁
Another great Medical Mystery, Siobhan! I LOVE these! I am not a medical professional, but I have some knowledge, so I try to "play along" and see if I can come close to figuring it out as you go. I have learned so much from all your videos, but these are particularly helpful, well explained and just excellent. Thank you!
Thank you for covering this, I supplement my diet with BI, Magnesium and Potassium as I'm Diabetic, suffer from an Autoimmune condition namely Colitis and Cervical spondylosis amongst other things, these have helped my general health and sleep, as after a flare-up with my Colitis I lose Electrolytes and have irregular sleep patterns from sleep debt.
Hi! Do you mind sharing how you supplement with potassium? I think that may be a missing link for me. Bananas are too sweet. TIA! ❤
@weezerchick There are high levels of potassium in tomatoes including tomato products, potatoes, lentils, milk, oranges including OJ and spinach which may help. Just be careful and have your Dr check potassium levels as too low or too high can cause your heart to stop. By the way, I am a registered dietitian.
@@Adam_Le-Roi_Davis. If you're diabetic then switch to a low carb diet. It will help you.
Thank you!!
iit's not much, can't afford your memebership, but this episode was like completely related to me!
the numbness stuff, yeah, there's a lot of varying factors associated with the neuropraphy < (I can't spell, but left it 'as is')
Viitamin supplements seem to be the curse, not just vB1
L*tr ;)
This video is truly impressive and thought-provoking! The way you explain the mistakes in diet and their impact on heart health really opens up a new perspective. The medical information is conveyed in a way that's easy to understand, helping viewers become more aware of the importance of taking care of their health. Thank you for bringing such useful and interesting knowledge
The best medical info channel. Short videos, packed with info. Thank you doctor, may you be well! ❤😊
Finally i found these videos, where production values are as high as Chubby Emu, but available in Canadian language instead of American language. In all seriousness though, these are great!
Very informative. I really like the presentation style.
This reminds me about a sci-fi that upon a time people need to migrate to the outer space, for simplified logistics, all people eat is a pill that is supposed to contain all kind of nutrients people will need.
Not long after the spaceship launched, strange illness started to appear across the spaceship... and now you can guess the rest.
You are the best teacher ever !!!
I'm a student. That was a good case for learning this condition. Thanks.
As soon as you mentioned tingling in feet and hands, I knew it was B1 deficiency. I went through a very bad case of this (combined with severely low zinc, copper and meningitis all at the same time) back in 2023 from the combination of gluten intolerance, gastroparesis and malabsorption
Exactly! Lack of Vit B1 huge effect on health
@@BeeBee-tb2itfamily of Bs are hugely important.
Food, good food is medicine!
Nick aka Ryan deserves an award - he had me worried he was about to pass out through the screen 😅 This was such a well explained and fascinating case study! Love this video.
If heat destroys thiamine, how does it survive in pork and fish after cooking? 🙏
That's an excellent question!
Just yesterday I thought about your videos, missing a new one! I know I'll enjoy it! Thanks Dr. Deshauer!❤
I remember when my QT was longer than 400ms when I had heart failure. The worst part is that one starts eating less because the digestive system is slow and you start piling up food. Insane. Of course CHF is way different that the case being presented here.
Excellent video!
So important to eat variety in the diet. This morning I had eggs, bacon, bagel, cottage cheese with blueberries, and a glass of milk 😊
Another video to watch is Dr Darren Schmidt called “I went to the ER with crushing chest pain and discovered the single most important nutrient “. He re-discovered B1 Benfotiamine and for me it has completely eliminated my chest pains
How much and what brand?🌞
You had a CBC test to know that you are defficient to it ?
Your videos are becoming really addictive. Great work
When speaking about nutrition, it is important to mention that nutritional value of food in 2025 is often about half of what was in 1970. Some recommendations and data assume food nutrients stay the same, which may lead to wide spread chronic nutrient deficiency and other dangers.
When we use more factory soil and fertilizers for our plants they lose alot of trace elements.
It also has less than half the lead, cadmium, and arsenic found in good 1970s food! those will be missed.
@@bellenesatan oh yes the leaded gasoline really added that spice to the earth.
Despite the nay sayers who already replied, it is an absolute fact that modern vegetables never mind processed foods are extremely low on nutrients. Also how they are utilised by the body seems to fly over peoples heads. There is far more useable nutrient in meat fish eggs and butter than in plants. Also although we mostly can tolerate the antinutrients in plants they still are harming our gut potentially causing leaky gut and Sibo.
@@capnpugwash5403yes. Much is grown hydroponically now, so you don't get the nutrients from soil.
Excellent content and very well delivered!!!
Good job Ryan, we celebrate your full recovery!
You're really good at this.
My father has myelodysplasia, recently diagnosed. His marrow is worn and won't supply enough red blood cells, if I understood it correctly. Our hematologist is not worried. He now gets blood every 4 weeks, if necessary, and recently EPO shots have been started. Our GP just added an iron supplement because w/ a lack of iron, the EPO probably is worthless. But, now, seeing your video. My dad has arrhythmia, a foul mood 9 out of 10, he"s depressed almost all the time, barely moves out of his chair, and he was NEVER like that. He has COPD and asthma, but recently his shortness of breath is beyond measure, just a walk to the loo has him exhausted, even though there is no reason for that sudden onset, and his legs... we had to invest in compression socks. He also barely eats, and the food is not very varied. He's 1.80m and weighs 65KG at best, 60 is his normal weight. He barely gets nutrients, you can see all of his ribs, and so this video, even though he was given B6 a long while ago, has me very interested. I am going to discuss with our GP. THANK YOU so much! Suddenly all these weird symptoms may point to something tangible. It gives me some hope.
Check vitamin C.
@@susansauceda9879 He's got enough of that, that's no issue.
This was an awesome case! Very well explained and there's a lot to learn from it
Only 4 weeks without Thiamine when you will Be in trouble. I love every case that involves Nutrition. Love food!
I love this channel. It has helped me to pay close attention to my daily habits and my body.
Thank you for the good work that you do!
B deficiencies usually show a sign/symptom with your feet. Pain or tingling. Take it seriously. Sugar depletes it so does caffeine. Take a good quality Raw B Complex. Give it a few days to 2 weeks. It has been miraculous for our family.
What is a raw B complex?
Raw B Complex? What is that exactly?!🤔
Dr berg has a natural b1 that's amazing. I suggest it to everyone for health.
@@robincook4901 That's why we eat animal source foods. Well, you can eat your vitamin pills if you want.
@@TTR83 🤪
I was diagnosed with long QT at a very young age, after several episodes of torsades de pointes, and several trips to the emergency room. I was eventually diagnosed with Romano-Ward syndrome, and prescribed beta blockers for the rest of my life. I took myself off of beta blockers about 18 years ago because I wanted to see if I could live without them, and their side effects. Since then I’ve only had a few episodes of a racing heart, which have all normalized on their own after several minutes, and for the last several years I’ve focused very heavily on nutrition and fitness. I supplement daily with TTFD thiamin and benfotamine, along with magnesium and some other supplements, and I exercise daily. I feel great and am hoping for a long healthy life. 🤞
White rice is a pretty terrible food. It's almost entirely starch with nothing of nutritional value, or taste for that matter. Excess rice consumption is a good way to get fat, but if I want to get fat I'll do it eating cakes and cookies, thank you. Nice to see that Ryan made a full recovery.
I never got why people preferred it. Like yeah it get it's basically indestructible but actual deep brown rice tastes so much better than peeled Basmati or some 💩.
Lots of oxylates for damaging your kidneys like spinach and almonds. Bad for mental health and anxiety for many people too.
@@whohan779 Brown rice is even higher in oxylates.
@@BeefNEggs057You're higher in oxalates.
I Love You❤ Thank you savior. We need these lessons! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
We need a ViolinMD and ChubbyEMU Collab.....
Yes we do!
Hello new channel for me to consume its content of.
Oh yes!
@@doctorblue4942 You are in for a treat. You will never see gas station sushi the same again.
That would be nice!!
You explain things so well. Love your channel!
The biggest irony for me is that brown rice is high in Vitamin B₁ while peeled/white rice is quite low in it (→10:52). Also pork (→10:19) and tuna has some too. Had he literally just switched his variety of rice or lean meat/fish, he would've been fine in the first place. 🤦🏼♂
@@whohan779 Rice is not nutritious food. Forget it.
Love medical truth! Thank you and looking forward to more from Violin MD!
Unfortunatly the supplrmted B1 is often Thiamine mononitrate. This is a huge migrain triuger and has been makingme ill since i was a kid. When i finally received my migrain diagnosis in my 30s i reakized this was one of my issiues. I avoid this form of B1 as much as possible or check where it falls on the ingredient list.
I love this. Thank Doc.
What can you do get thiamine other than the white rice and the seeds
You are absolutely incredible. Thank you so much for the education.
White rice became increasingly popular in Edo (today’s Tokyo) during Japan's Edo Period (17th-19th century), and around the same time, beriberi became widespread. Because the illness was especially common in Edo and seemed to originate there, people called it the “Edo Disease.”
When I saw Edo, my first thought was Edo ( the former Benin Empire) in Nigeria 🇳🇬. 😂🤣 rice is a staple in Nigeria.
Very informative video; to the point, clear and concise.
Thank you!
Once he received his emergency medical bill he passed away.
You didn’t pay attention, he wasn’t living in the US
@@tatjanadjukic4513 I know. He was Canadian. I was making what is called "a joke."
Thanks for such an educational video, entertaining as well, like a narrating ER episode. 🥰
When you said white rice, I thought immediately B1.
I am learning a lot,thank you!
I guess that is where the phrase "Working to death" comes from
Your videos are the best!
I recently had a every fourth beet skip in my heart with occasional 34 bpm, found out canola oil was the trigger. I began using a cpap at night and avoid all canola I'm feeling much better and no more skips and low bpm's
Those bleaching chemicals used in white rice flour and seed oils are really bad for us
Awesome channel! You need your own Netflix series. Great tie-in to history, research, and how lifestyle choices over time can have tremendous impact on personal and public health.
Crazy how much I changed after I started questioning everything about health. Reading Rethinking Health Secrets made me realize how much we’re NOT told.
Big pharma has made health a business, that's why...
I always learn so much from your videos! Thank you!
As soon as she said his diet, I knew instantly what his problem was. Red meat is a good source of B vitamins by the way.
I knew it was a b1 deficiency. Ive been reading up on it lately and started taking benfotiamine, which cleared up a brain fog ive had for a while even though what i mainly eat is red meat. I do have a neurological condituon called chiari but ny symptoms changed about a month after i had covid.
@@ChristopherCologneASMR We can only guess how much that virus affects a person for some time even after you fight it off.
Same for iron deficiency which also can have bad symptoms...
8:45: Hi, Violin MD, I just love your videos on all these medical freak accidents that happen especially from vitamin deficiencies. Keep these medical freak accident videos --- no matter the nature of the medical freak accidents --- continually coming. I am interested in all kinds of accidents and mishaps and their causers, and this includes medical accidents and their causes as well.
Born in the 80s with spina bifida/myelomeningocele - folate is pretty well know to me as deficiency of that has been said to be a key to MMC.
I also have MMC.
Fascinating story 😮!! Excelent quality of the content! Love it ❤
"Fingers and toes constantly tingling..." Sounds like a B12 deficiency.
B1 is best treated nutritionally, but acutely (for a few days until dietary changes are made), Benfotiamine, a lipid derivative of thiamine, specifically a synthetic S-acyl Vitamin B1 analogue, produces the best initial response.
It makes me feel wonderful within a few minutes! Benfotiamine!
So where does the B12 fit in? Are you talking about that or B1?
benfotiamine doesn't cross the blood-brain barrier so it cant treat Wernicke