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List of stars in Capricornus

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This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Capricornus, sorted by decreasing brightness.

See also



  1. ^ a b c d e f g Allen 1898: Capricornus in Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning
  2. ^ Ian Ridpath's Startales - Capricornus the Sea Goat
  3. ^ Consisting with β Aqr (Sadalsuud), ξ Aqr (Deneb Algenubi) and 46 Cap (c Cap), were Saʽd al Suʽud, the Luck of Lucks. See Star Names, R.H. Allen, p. 52
  4. ^ β Aqr as Nir Saad al Saaoud or Lucida Fortunæ Fortunarum (the brightest of luck of lucks) and ξ Aqr as Thanih Saad al Saaoud or Secunda Fortunæ Fortunarum (the second of luck of lucks). c Cap should be Thalath Fortunæ Fortunarum or Tertia Fortunæ Fortunarum (the third of luck of lucks) consistently, but Al Achsasi Al Mouakket was not designated the title for this star with uncleared consideration. Possibly according to the differences of opinion with R.H.Allen
  5. ^ a b c Meeus, Jan (2002). "Mutual occultations of planets". More Mathematical Astronomy Morsels (PDF). pp. 174–185. ISBN 0943396743.