Hi Anri, great video of the guys from SSS. Met them last week and I'm doing a short documentary about them as street performers in Amsterdam. Writing to ask permission to use some parts of your video for the documentary. Let me know how to get in touch. Thanks.
Like these guys. I saw Louis, the singer, last year in Hilversum, Nederlands. He sang some old songs from Woodstock. He was great!
En boucle ! Je la passe . Comment cette vidéo ne peut pas être plus reconnue ? Just perfect Dudes !
J'adore, j'ai eu la chance de les rencontrer à Amsterdam
I grew up with Ryan Adams' music but this cover is better than the original imo. INCREDIBLE voice and vocals 🙏
The best !!! I love your voice... soooooo much
Hi Anri, great video of the guys from SSS. Met them last week and I'm doing a short documentary about them as street performers in Amsterdam. Writing to ask permission to use some parts of your video for the documentary. Let me know how to get in touch. Thanks.