750 Words: A School Paddling

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A girl awaits punishment from the handsome Principal.
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This story was written for the 2025 Literotica 750 Word Challenge, below this line are exactly 750 words:

It seems unfair.

Girls shouldn't have the same punishments as boys, especially when it comes to a whacking. I hate to say that girls are weaker than boys, but in a way, we are. Well, maybe not weaker, more sensitive. A paddle across a girl's butt is going to hurt more. It's more embarrassing. Have you ever noticed how guys will always brag about getting whacked while if a girl gets it, nothing will be said?

I'm Gina, and I am probably going to get whacked today.

It will be a first for me. I made it to senior year; I made it to my 18th birthday without this. I never even got a spanking from my parents -- not that they would ever spank anyway. They're not into that.

I'm sitting outside the principal's office on that bench where everyone can see you. I'm scared. I'm telling myself that I'm not going to get it. I'll get detention or maybe a stern talking to.

But I doubt that is true. Smoking is a big deal, and I was caught in the act. I know what they do to smokers. My friend Sammy got the paddle for smoking, and he got it. He told everybody that it was no big deal, but I saw him come out of the office, and there were definitely tears. He rushed right past me and went to the boys' room without even saying hi.

"Mr. Peters is ready for you."

I look up. I have been so lost in my thoughts that I don't see Mrs. McIntosh come up to me. She's a nice lady, always helping the kids.

Oh. My. God. This is it. The moment of truth. I feel my knees start to buckle as I try to stand. I fall back to my seat and have to try again. This time I am up and able to follow Mrs. McIntosh into the office, my head down; a lamb being brought to slaughter.

I find myself sitting in front of Mr. Peters' desk. The last time I was here, I was receiving an award -- and now this. I like Mr. Peters. He is young and really nice. If truth be told, I have had a crush on him since freshman year. I pray for anything other than a whacking.

I raise my eyes from the floor and see his blue eyes staring at me, his shirt and tie so perfect. Why does he have to be so handsome?

Instead of his usual smile, he looks bothered, almost like he had been hurt. "Miss Hargrove, I am surprised and sorry to see you here today. I had not expected this from you."

"I am so sorry, sir," I say and I mean it. I have let him down.

"What are we going to do with you?"

There's hope! Do I have a say in this? I think fast. I need to come up with something that will be serious but not a whacking. "I think five days of detention would be a good punishment," I say, hoping that will suffice.

"That sounds good," he replies.

I breathe a sigh of relief. But only for a moment.

"Five days of detention starting tomorrow," he continues. And today you will receive the paddle. Six strokes is the norm for smoking."

I feel sick to my stomach. This can't be happening. Five days of detention plus the whacking!

"But sir," I start but am cut off.

Mrs. McIntosh, please come into my office," he calls through the open door.

I want to reach a compromise, one without the whacking. Moments later, Mrs. McIntosh appears. She shuts the door behind her, and I know that the wheels are in motion. She is to witness the whacking.

Mr. Peters is now standing. I stand too, though I wasn't told to. He has me with my forearms flat against his desk. He presses on my back so that it is flat, and my ass is sticking out. Why did I wear such tight jeans today?

I don't see the paddle, but I suddenly feel it leaving my rear. When it reappears, it is going to be violent.

My world shatters, cries of pain turn to tears, tears turn to sobs, and finally, I'm begging. "Please! please stop!"

When he is done, I am a wet dishrag on his desk, barely able to move. He helps me up. His arms are strong. Why do I want to kiss him so badly?

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TheCaptain000TheCaptain00018 days ago

I like these 750 stories! And this one was great. Good to see one of my favorite authors taking part in the challenge. The desire to kiss the principal at the end added to the tale nicely. I think we have a future spank-o graduating from high school this year!!

Oh and to the Anonymous reader who commented just before me. Get with it buddy. It is a 750 word story. The whole thing is to get the story out in exactly 750 words. Yea, it's not a complete story but it is a really hot 750 word story. Sit back and enjoy it!

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

So much potential…. This should have been a real story instead of a brief daydream. Not a complete story. I get the whole anticipation thing, but … this just wasn’t enough.

writingsomethingnewwritingsomethingnew24 days ago

That is really good work!

windarwindar24 days ago

Good story. Where do I apply for Mr. Peters' job?

TheDokTheDok24 days ago

Five stars and thank you. Very difficult to squeeze that muchi into just 750 words.

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