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Feb 10, 2017 7:13 PM

Oct 2016
Komatsu, Nana probably I would say
Pages (2) [1] 2 Β»
Feb 15, 2017 5:54 PM

Jun 2015
Hate-wise I'd go with Takumi. I despise him in any way possible.
Any other way, I really wouldn't be able to choose because each character in the show is very well-written and relatable.
Feb 15, 2017 7:00 PM

Oct 2016
Aegerius said:
Hate-wise I'd go with Takumi. I despise him in any way possible.
Any other way, I really wouldn't be able to choose because each character in the show is very well-written and relatable.
Nana made bad decisions. her fault. in the end she is worse then takumi. It isn't ;like she was raped or forced...
Feb 15, 2017 7:03 PM

Jan 2014
I've literally only watched a couple episodes, but in those couple episodes the main girl just cries in all of them. Was pretty annoying..

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Feb 15, 2017 7:06 PM

Jan 2016
Aegerius said:
Hate-wise I'd go with Takumi. I despise him in any way possible.
Any other way, I really wouldn't be able to choose because each character in the show is very well-written and relatable.

Oh my god... Takumi is bae through and through!

I'd say shouji. I dont like his type.

Feb 16, 2017 3:28 AM

Oct 2016
TM said:
Aegerius said:
Hate-wise I'd go with Takumi. I despise him in any way possible.
Any other way, I really wouldn't be able to choose because each character in the show is very well-written and relatable.

Oh my god... Takumi is bae through and through!

I'd say shouji. I dont like his type.
and how the fuck do you see takumi as a good person. he fucks nana without a condom and gets her prego. nana loves someone else. if i were that someone else i'd be pissed.
Feb 16, 2017 6:34 AM

Jan 2016
SeasonADay said:
TM said:

Oh my god... Takumi is bae through and through!

I'd say shouji. I dont like his type.
and how the fuck do you see takumi as a good person. he fucks nana without a condom and gets her prego. nana loves someone else. if i were that someone else i'd be pissed.

I never said he's a good person. If you look at it, nana was being pushed on Takumi. Takumi's living his life just like he always do. Realistically speaking, Nana is as much at fault for allowing someone to play her. Despite that, a lot of guys wont take responsibility and marry the girl. They'll provide funds for an abortion or support the baby. Nana wanted to keep the baby and he married her. Besides that. He's more interesting than the other characters.

Feb 16, 2017 10:19 AM

Oct 2016
TM said:
SeasonADay said:
and how the fuck do you see takumi as a good person. he fucks nana without a condom and gets her prego. nana loves someone else. if i were that someone else i'd be pissed.

I never said he's a good person. If you look at it, nana was being pushed on Takumi. Takumi's living his life just like he always do. Realistically speaking, Nana is as much at fault for allowing someone to play her. Despite that, a lot of guys wont take responsibility and marry the girl. They'll provide funds for an abortion or support the baby. Nana wanted to keep the baby and he married her. Besides that. He's more interesting than the other characters.
TM said:
SeasonADay said:
and how the fuck do you see takumi as a good person. he fucks nana without a condom and gets her prego. nana loves someone else. if i were that someone else i'd be pissed.

I never said he's a good person. If you look at it, nana was being pushed on Takumi. Takumi's living his life just like he always do. Realistically speaking, Nana is as much at fault for allowing someone to play her. Despite that, a lot of guys wont take responsibility and marry the girl. They'll provide funds for an abortion or support the baby. Nana wanted to keep the baby and he married her. Besides that. He's more interesting than the other characters.
"Besides that. He's more interesting than the other characters."
...... retarded reason. Now you sound like a shoujo manga fangirl and I question your credibility.
Yuki_NonakaFeb 16, 2017 12:44 PM
Feb 16, 2017 12:06 PM

Apr 2012
Recently finished watching and i can't say if any of them is the "worst character"; they're all pretty well-written characters, not one of them is flat or felt one-dimensional.

My least favorite, however, is definitely Shouji.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 16, 2017 12:17 PM

Nov 2013
That would be Shouji, without a doubt.

Feb 16, 2017 12:48 PM

Jul 2014
They're all incredibly well written, but Takumi pissed me off beyond any reasonable measure. He's one hell of a manipulative bastard.
LoveLikeBloodFeb 16, 2017 12:51 PM
Take care of yourself

Feb 16, 2017 12:48 PM

Aug 2014
I have to agree with the folks above, yup definitely Shouji.
Feb 16, 2017 4:28 PM

Jan 2016
SeasonADay said:
TM said:

I never said he's a good person. If you look at it, nana was being pushed on Takumi. Takumi's living his life just like he always do. Realistically speaking, Nana is as much at fault for allowing someone to play her. Despite that, a lot of guys wont take responsibility and marry the girl. They'll provide funds for an abortion or support the baby. Nana wanted to keep the baby and he married her. Besides that. He's more interesting than the other characters.
TM said:

I never said he's a good person. If you look at it, nana was being pushed on Takumi. Takumi's living his life just like he always do. Realistically speaking, Nana is as much at fault for allowing someone to play her. Despite that, a lot of guys wont take responsibility and marry the girl. They'll provide funds for an abortion or support the baby. Nana wanted to keep the baby and he married her. Besides that. He's more interesting than the other characters.
"Besides that. He's more interesting than the other characters."
...... retarded reason. Now you sound like a shoujo manga fangirl and I question your credibility.

Excuse me? Liking Shoujo Manga makes someone retarded? Oh please do make me laugh more.

What did he say? credibility is lost due to a girl's intake on a story.

Feb 16, 2017 5:36 PM

Aug 2014
Are we talking worst character, or person? When this first aired and fresh off the finale, I probably would have said Hachi, for lusting after that rockstar dick. Without that naivete, I'd say she made the right decision not burdening Nobuo with her kids. While Takumi still fucks around, he did care for Hachi and married her. Probably doesn't love her, nor her him, but a loveless marriage is hardly a reason to despise him.

So Shouji too I guess, because he's a little bitch.
Sieg Zeon!
Feb 16, 2017 10:21 PM

May 2010
I guess Hachi? I wanted to like her SO MUCH, usually I'm into silly and light-hearted characters like her, but just HOW NAIVE CAN YOU GET T_T I know, I know, she just wants Takumi's dick to be loved, but arghh I wanted to slap her so many times through the series. Geez! You have absolutely adorable and kind Nobu by your side, who is totally in love with you, how can you go after a celebrity who doesn't give a fuck about you...

If we count side characters then Shouji is 10 times worse of course, thankfully he doesn't show up that often later in the series...
Feb 17, 2017 3:46 PM

Jun 2015
TM said:

Oh my god... Takumi is bae through and through!

I'd say shouji. I dont like his type.

Hmm.. I can see how people may like Takumi. I'm sure overall he had somewhat of a good intention, it's just that I really don't agree with his ways to handle things and the things he's done. This is a hell of a debate I've read though.

Takumi is a player, but he did admittedly own up to it and married Nana. It's just that, I've also read the manga too and he didn't seem to get any better from then on to me. I can see how people like him, I just personally don't xD.
Feb 17, 2017 5:43 PM

Jan 2016
Aegerius said:
TM said:

Oh my god... Takumi is bae through and through!

I'd say shouji. I dont like his type.

Hmm.. I can see how people may like Takumi. I'm sure overall he had somewhat of a good intention, it's just that I really don't agree with his ways to handle things and the things he's done. This is a hell of a debate I've read though.

Takumi is a player, but he did admittedly own up to it and married Nana. It's just that, I've also read the manga too and he didn't seem to get any better from then on to me. I can see how people like him, I just personally don't xD.

The Anime is a big no no. I was talking about the Manga.

If you were to view this realistically, nana should've been on birth control AND she's not a child to have sex with no condom. It is much more her responsibility than a man's responsibility when this happen since she's not raped and she consented to the sex. Girls know too well that these things are really big decisions; to have sex with no condom especially when birth control OR PLAN B is not consumed. I can go on with the list on how Nana carelessly handled the situation and played the victim. Bottom line, men don't own up to those things and thats why women should know better. Nana knew he was a player, she knew he was passing his time with her. Takumi on the other hand accepted her decision when she said she wants to keep the baby. He provided her everything financially from security to baby funds. He set her future. Take in account that he is young and successful. He could've walked the other way and provided funds instead of going through the extra mile of securing her future.

That said, he more than covered his part from playing around and took responsibility. He didn't promise her loyalty nor his heart and Nana doesn't deserve it so far with the way she swings from one man to another so easily. If she enjoys playing the pet then she'd need to know the consequences.

Feb 17, 2017 5:46 PM

Oct 2016
TM said:
Aegerius said:

Hmm.. I can see how people may like Takumi. I'm sure overall he had somewhat of a good intention, it's just that I really don't agree with his ways to handle things and the things he's done. This is a hell of a debate I've read though.

Takumi is a player, but he did admittedly own up to it and married Nana. It's just that, I've also read the manga too and he didn't seem to get any better from then on to me. I can see how people like him, I just personally don't xD.

The Anime is a big no no. I was talking about the Manga.

If you were to view this realistically, nana should've been on birth control AND she's not a child to have sex with no condom. It is much more her responsibility than a man's responsibility when this happen since she's not raped and she consented to the sex. Girls know too well that these things are really big decisions; to have sex with no condom especially when birth control OR PLAN B is not consumed. I can go on with the list on how Nana carelessly handled the situation and played the victim. Bottom line, men don't own up to those things and thats why women should know better. Nana knew he was a player, she knew he was passing his time with her. Takumi on the other hand accepted her decision when she said she wants to keep the baby. He provided her everything financially from security to baby funds. He set her future. Take in account that he is young and successful. He could've walked the other way and provided funds instead of going through the extra mile of securing her future.

That said, he more than covered his part from playing around and took responsibility. He didn't promise her loyalty nor his heart and Nana doesn't deserve it so far with the way she swings from one man to another so easily. If she enjoys playing the pet then she'd need to know the consequences.
TM said:
Aegerius said:

Hmm.. I can see how people may like Takumi. I'm sure overall he had somewhat of a good intention, it's just that I really don't agree with his ways to handle things and the things he's done. This is a hell of a debate I've read though.

Takumi is a player, but he did admittedly own up to it and married Nana. It's just that, I've also read the manga too and he didn't seem to get any better from then on to me. I can see how people like him, I just personally don't xD.

The Anime is a big no no. I was talking about the Manga.

If you were to view this realistically, nana should've been on birth control AND she's not a child to have sex with no condom. It is much more her responsibility than a man's responsibility when this happen since she's not raped and she consented to the sex. Girls know too well that these things are really big decisions; to have sex with no condom especially when birth control OR PLAN B is not consumed. I can go on with the list on how Nana carelessly handled the situation and played the victim. Bottom line, men don't own up to those things and thats why women should know better. Nana knew he was a player, she knew he was passing his time with her. Takumi on the other hand accepted her decision when she said she wants to keep the baby. He provided her everything financially from security to baby funds. He set her future. Take in account that he is young and successful. He could've walked the other way and provided funds instead of going through the extra mile of securing her future.

That said, he more than covered his part from playing around and took responsibility. He didn't promise her loyalty nor his heart and Nana doesn't deserve it so far with the way she swings from one man to another so easily. If she enjoys playing the pet then she'd need to know the consequences.
You have valid points. Ypu should add that they are both stupid. Put in better terms that they both have major problems in their personality's. No this doesn't mean that they are good for each other either.
Feb 17, 2017 5:52 PM

Jan 2016
People are free to behave which ever way they want, that doesn't mean they're stupid or deserving of something certain. If someone wants to be promiscuous then they are free to do so. Your points are invalid.

When you're an adult you're held accountable for your action. Playing the victim for your own actions is whats unattractive.

Feb 18, 2017 5:01 AM

Mar 2013
razortongue said:
They're all incredibly well written, but Takumi pissed me off beyond any reasonable measure. He's one hell of a manipulative bastard.

I totally agree with you.
Feb 18, 2017 4:58 PM

Mar 2012
Tie between Takumi because he is an unfaithful manipulative bastard rapist (successfully put a wedge between Nana and Nobu and then raped Nana the following morning) and Shouji for being a selfish unfaithful, hypocriticall moron til the end.
Feb 18, 2017 5:13 PM

Oct 2016
MetaKite said:
Tie between Takumi because he is an unfaithful manipulative bastard rapist (successfully put a wedge between Nana and Nobu and then raped Nana the following morning) and Shouji for being a selfish unfaithful, hypocriticall moron til the end.

Yeah she didn't exactly want it.
Apr 30, 2018 5:39 PM

Oct 2012
I too despise Takumi. Fuck that guy.
May 18, 2018 10:06 AM
Mar 2014
Rough but probably Takumi for me. I never liked the fact that he was such a player. The fact that he called Nobu from her cellphone and locked himself in her room, all without her permission was not right at all. What an asshole imo. I will give him credit for giving her funds etc... for the child though but that's it.
Feb 27, 2019 5:36 PM

Oct 2016
old thread but great discussion tbh
May 17, 2019 11:34 AM
Aug 2016
Nana Komatsu... She's just too annoying, with her crying an her illogical decisions...

At first I hated Takumi, but in the later episodes when we got a better glimpse of his past, I've come to understand where he was coming from and what shaped his character... So on the topic at hand, worst character of Nana is Hachi or Nana Komatsu...
Jun 20, 2019 7:46 AM

Dec 2015
I've just finished watching it, I had to watch it for work-related reasons or I would've never watched it.

All in all, I hated every main character, save maybe for Yasu, Nobu and Shinichi, and even Shouji, he seriously dodged a bullet by meeting Sachiko.

Hachi is a vapid, empty, good-for-nothing character, who spends her time either crying for silly reasons or lusting after fashion and rockstars. I kinda sympathized for her when she got mistreated or manipulated by others, like when the other Nana calls her a pet dog, but then any sympathy I could have vanished when I saw her waggling her tail for clothes or jewels and caring just about being slim and fashionable... truly the epitome of vapid.

Nana is a manipulative bitch who just has to make everyone miserable, only to go cry in the arms of the exact people she laughed at a moment before whenever she has a small disappointment. A spoiled manipulative bitch if I've ever saw one.

All in all this anime seems to be the lionization of the beautiful tormented bastard, be it male or female. If you're a beautiful bastard, man or woman, you're allowed to make everyone around you miserable, because oh you're actually so deep and troubled by your painful past!

If you're a sensible, good hearted character, like Nobu, you're just a helpless dummy destined to be pushed around by bitchy Nana and by "oh who will I love today?" dummy Hachi.

Now I'm not saying this is a bad anime, on the contrary, having such shitty characters it keeps you wondering how they'll keep fucking everything up. Problem is that most of the time there seems to be little to nothing under the beautiful, stylish surface, and what is there (like the strange relationship dynamic between the two Nanas) is buried under tons of cheap drama and remains unresolved with the truncated ending.

No bad will against the many who liked it, I can see why an anime like this can appeal so much to a certain kind of audience, and props to Ai Yazawa for being an expert in telling tales of stylish, beautiful and yet confused and tormented young adults.

But I just had to let this off my chest! πŸ˜…
Jul 28, 2019 3:45 PM
Jun 2015
Hachi and Takumi. Hachi was so (and I can not express this enough) DUMB. All she knows how to do is cry and be usless. I wish she would stop drinking dumb bitch juice for just one second. I hate that the anime was more focused on her rather than Nana. She was the only reason why I could stand this anime for so long. She seems cool and edgy I really wanted to see more of her of the anime. Takumi was a pure asshole period. There's not much else to say about him. I couldnt make it past episode 39 because those two characters are so annoying.
Jul 28, 2019 5:43 PM

Oct 2016
Snkxthug said:
Hachi and Takumi. Hachi was so (and I can not express this enough) DUMB. All she knows how to do is cry and be usless. I wish she would stop drinking dumb bitch juice for just one second. I hate that the anime was more focused on her rather than Nana. She was the only reason why I could stand this anime for so long. She seems cool and edgy I really wanted to see more of her of the anime. Takumi was a pure asshole period. There's not much else to say about him. I couldnt make it past episode 39 because those two characters are so annoying.

You should finish it anyway
Jan 2, 2020 12:40 PM

Jun 2012
Shuji and Sachiko.
Feb 1, 2020 12:20 AM

Jan 2013
You're all acting like Nana O. is perfect, lol. She's playing with poor Nobu's heart only because she wants her 'dog' back and she doesn't know how to do it. She's super impulsive and kinda immature. I don't think I can pick the worst character. They're all acting like real not so perfect humans who have to deal with life. That's why I like them all.
thatPinkSpiderFeb 1, 2020 12:25 AM

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."
Feb 5, 2020 12:18 PM

Feb 2016
They're all well written but I personally hated the two nana (and nana O.) the most
May 8, 2020 3:23 AM

Dec 2019
Only 13 episodes in but shoji and the little bitch he
they make my blood boiilll
May 17, 2020 11:41 PM
Jul 2018
That depends on what you think by worst. If you mean who I hate the most as a character then nobody. They are all well written and realistic, making this anime very unique in how it handles human beings and their pain. All of these characters have suffered in their lives and all of their flaws are a direct result of the life they have lead and things that were (very often) out of their control.

But if you mean who would I hate if I knew them in real life, then there are few options. Nana O, for example, often got on my nerve as she has a tendency to treat other people as her property and seems to think that she's entitled to eveybody's undivided attention whenever she wants it. Why I dislike Takumi should be obvious as he is a mayor jerk and also quite manipulative. Reira, as a 20-something woman sleeping with a 15 year old boy, also rubbed me the wrong way.
May 17, 2020 11:59 PM
May 18, 2020 1:32 AM

Dec 2019
XD yupp, i finished it and O.O i get what u mean.
Jun 9, 2020 10:06 AM
Nov 2016
Probably Nana Komatsu. Until the anime ending, I am still unsure about her real feelings. We saw a closure for Shoji and Hachi relationship but she seemed regretting her decision. Maybe she followed Takumi due to her circumstances with the children, but does she really love him?
Jun 27, 2020 9:53 PM
Aug 2013
I would write an essay on why I dislike Hachi and Takumi. Hachi is, in short, dumb. On the other hand, Takumi is selfish and manipulative.

I understand why people dislike Nana Osaki but all her actions and ways are understandable because of her past. But for Hachi...sigh, this girl is probably the only character with a functional family...

I also hated Shouji, he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Jul 22, 2020 6:44 PM
Jun 2010
You know I love each character. It’s really hard for me to hate either character because they get so deep with the character development. jjust when you think you hate someone you see a different side to them and it makes you sympathize for said person.
Jul 22, 2020 6:46 PM
Jun 2010
Klara123 said:
That depends on what you think by worst. If you mean who I hate the most as a character then nobody. They are all well written and realistic, making this anime very unique in how it handles human beings and their pain. All of these characters have suffered in their lives and all of their flaws are a direct result of the life they have lead and things that were (very often) out of their control.

But if you mean who would I hate if I knew them in real life, then there are few options. Nana O, for example, often got on my nerve as she has a tendency to treat other people as her property and seems to think that she's entitled to eveybody's undivided attention whenever she wants it. Why I dislike Takumi should be obvious as he is a mayor jerk and also quite manipulative. Reira, as a 20-something woman sleeping with a 15 year old boy, also rubbed me the wrong way.

I couldn’t agree more. I feel like each character was so realistic. Just when you think you hate a particular character you end up sympathizing for them later on.
Jul 28, 2020 7:45 AM

Nov 2018
I don't hate anyone , they are all realistic and relatable
I hate everyone equally
Aug 9, 2020 8:58 AM

Aug 2019

Takumi needs to go to hell :)

It's been what, 12 years? Since I finished this show, and I still hate his ass.
Aug 9, 2020 9:23 AM

Aug 2018
I hate Nana (the slut one)

Aug 13, 2020 1:53 AM
Apr 2017
many people say that Hachi is the worst character but I don't think that Hachi is the worst, it's true that Hachi is a immature and really annoying but she gradually learns for the mistakes she made It was seen when she continued to take care of her pregnancy rather than abort it, still maintained her unstable household relationship with Takumi even though she was left behind for approximately 6 ~ 7 years
bad things can make you be better if you want to learn on it
Jan 5, 2021 9:27 AM
Nov 2020
I'm still watching Nana, and I found everyone's perspective on who is the worst character really interesting. I 100% agree with the person who found Shin's relationship with Reira disturbing because he's 15 like..... I can see why people hate Shoji, but Takumi is at the same level, due to how manipulative he is and possessive (that is not romantic in any way) ALSO how he literally used Hachi to his own advantage because she was a fan of him. Of course, she would fall into that trap as she was still fragile from her ex and due to her naivety. I might hate him as well due to my fair share of dealing with a manipulative person and other characters knew his true nature as well. I also don't see himself becoming a better individual because of how he cares A LOT about himself, he only married Hachi to protect his public image. BTW both party's are at fault for not using protection, isn't that more obvious.Hachi is super annoying and to be honest, her pregnancy did teach her something, therefore she will become a better person and hopefully less annoying. I am also not trying to justify Shoji and his actions in any way cause I both purely hate him and Takumi.
ang3ls0phJan 5, 2021 9:35 AM
Apr 17, 2021 8:02 AM
May 2019
Komatsu Nana is the worst mc ever, She is immature, shallow and pathetic
Apr 21, 2021 7:51 PM

Feb 2019
Of course it's not Yazu.
May 23, 2021 7:23 PM
Dec 2017
nana komatsu for certain

Jun 13, 2021 7:31 AM
Dec 2020
As manga reader I'd say Reira. It was her fault all along in such tragic circumstances. Then Asami and Takumi.
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