비투비(BTOB) 래퍼라인(민혁, 일훈, 프니엘, 성재) "집으로 가는길(Way Back Home)" [이홍기의 키스더라디오]
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- 2017년 3월 17일 170317
KBS COOLFM 이홍기의 키스더라디오 스페셜 초대석 with 비투비
비투비(BTOB) 래퍼라인(민혁, 일훈, 프니엘, 성재) "집으로 가는길(Way Back Home)"
#비투비 #BTOB #성은광 #이민혁 #이창섭 #임현식 #프니엘 #정일훈 #육성재 #kpop #k_pop #kbs #kbskong #kbs콩 #Complete #Brothe_Act #Eun_Kwang #Min_Hyuk #Changsub #Hyunsik #Peniel #Ilhoon #Sungjae #ウングァン #ミニョク #チャンソプ #ヒョンシク #プニエル #イルフン #ソンジェ
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집으로 가는 길이 너무나 험난해 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
??? : 집가다가 목에서 핏줄이 피슉하고 튀어나와서 죽을수도 있어요
너무 기여운거 같아용💕💕💕
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 보컬라인들도 어려워하는 집가길 고르고 이렇겤ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
@구미🍑:무거운 발걸음 이이↗익↘
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ집으로가는길이 험난하댘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이춘조 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
민혁이 프니ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 성재 비개ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 개웃겨진짴ㅋㅋㅋ 일훈이 >_< 이러고 노래 부르는거 너무 귀엽다ㅜㅜ
아♥ 이모티콘이랑 똑같애 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이민혀ㄱ 고음 올릴때 표정 ㅡ0ㅡ이렇게되는거 너무 귀엽다는....💙
개 똑같앜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ귀여웤ㅋㅋㅋ
정일훈이 힘들어도 꿈을 잃지 말아요 세상이 그대를 속일지라도 이 파트 부른 게 너무 좋아서 매일 출석함. 보컬라인과는 좀 다른 느낌으로 애절하고 되게 와닿음 나 정일훈 노래 좋아하는 듯.
이와중에 프니엘귀엽다ㅋㄱㅋㅋ
전윤슬 ㅇㅈ♡
이자리 ㅋㅋㅋㅇㅈ
정일훈 복면가왕 나가도 되겠닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ노래왤케 잘햌ㅋㅋ
진짜 일훈 옵 복면가왕나가는거 보는개 소원이라요💙💙
육성재 랩부분 급나 잘했다
조금씩 가사 틀리긴 했지만요..ㅎ
@@빠샤빠샤-f2v 그냥 넘어가면 되는걸 싸움판을 왜 만들지
@@빠샤빠샤-f2v 그럼 니 댓글 뒤로 더 이상 가사 틀렸다는 내용의 댓이 안나올거라 생각했어?
Why is no one talking about SungJae slaying the rap part
Inès Dnv right? I'm actually looking für sungjae comments 😂
Cause we already knew that 😂😍
For melodies itz not new that's why😂😂😂😂😂
He’s six cash after all 😏😂😂
집 가다가 목 아파서 피토하고 죽을 거 같은 노래...
ilhoon and minhyuk singing voice gives me life even tho they didnt reach the high notes, peniel seems doesnt remember the lines tho :v its ok hes still cute lol
ferdiani this song is one of the hardest BTOB ballad song even the vocal line admit it themselves.
陳思妘 ikr thats why vocal line talent cant never be doubted with
ferdiani yeap, but Minhyuk is being abnormal here he supposed to be able to hit those high notes😅.
watch Minhyuk & Sungjae singing Doll on I'll be your Melody.
and Ilhoon cheating here by improvising the high note part into lower note, and pretending not to know he supposed to sing that part.😂😂
陳思妘 glad u recommend me with their cover, idk minhyuk's voice is THAT good, he can be main vocal with that voice, such an all rounder :)))
ferdiani ikr.. u should check out all of their covers on I'll be your Melody. it's all 👍👍.
성재오빠 노래하는거에 심쿵하고
일훈오빠 노래하는거에 심쿵하고
프니엘오빠 노래하는거에심쿵하고
민혁오빠 노래하는거에 심쿵했다...
+성재오빠 랩하는거에 심쿵
프니오빠 노래 못끼는거 기여워ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
110이라 안누를수 없어따
3:19 이부분 너무 귀여워요ㅜㅜㅠㅠ
프니엘오빠는 그냥 존재가 귀엽습니다ㅠㅠㅋㅋㅋㅋ
699라 그냥 넘어갈수가..
제목에 랩라인(민혁, 일훈, 프니엘, 성재)라 적혀있길래 그냥 넘어가려다가 생각해보니 성재 언제부터 랩라였지ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 저도 그 생각했어옄ㅋㅋㅌ
원래서브래퍼도 하지 않았나요? 랩도 배웠다고 하더라고요
@@울라우프 원래 포지션은 서브보컬입니다!
저거 풀버전에서보면 성재오빠는 퀴즈를 내는사람이라서 래퍼가부르는 집가길이랑 보컬이부르는 포에버 둘다참여했어요
저도 그거보고 들어왔는데ㅋㅋㅋ
일훈민혁 지린다
역시 7래퍼7보컬!!!
예지앞사비투비 7또라이!!!
이단옆차기?그럼난신사동호랭이다 멜로디로써 기분 나쁘나요
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ일후니 노래클라스!!!민혁오빠 처음 그 노래 대박!!!
정일훈 노래 잘하는구나.,.심지어목소리도 좋아..
다시 한번 말하지만 저분들 랩라인이에요
야tv 희 성재는 보컬라인이죵
안뇽하율 아 그렇군요
안뇽하율 성재만 보컬라인이예용
사실 데뷔초엔 서브래퍼도 같이했었는데 곧 사라졌죠!
최승현 ㅋㅋ 래퍼들이 메보가하던 고음해서 그래용
I always come back here just to listen to Ilhoon's voice. miss u naa
Me too, he sing well
Me too 😭
아. . 진짜 비투비보컬라인은 대단한구나. . . . 이렇게어렵다니. . . 늘 수고했어요.비투비!!!
Ilhoon can actually sing well! Omg BTOB rap line has excellent vocals as well! Sungjae is amazing doing the rap. My Melody heart omoooo! 🥰😍
It hurts my heart cause we probably can't see him on stage anymore 😭
@@readyourstory7923 :(
Minhyuk was good at singing. Same to ilhoon and peniel. 7 vocalist and 7 rappers. Daebakk!!
이민혁 복면가왕 나가서 1라운드때 노래하고 2라운드때 랩하면 개쩔겠다
복가관계자분들 보고 계시죠??
아니 프사랑 닉이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
프사도랏 ㅋㅋㅋㄱㅋㄹㅋㄹㅋㄹㅋㄱㅋㄱㅋㄲㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㄴㅋ
@@송하-t2v 마치 칼에 한방 맞은 표정이네요...
@@whywhywhy_why ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이미녁 저격이냐고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뭐야 이 난장판은 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 잘하는것같기도하고 못하는것같기도하고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2 2 뭔가 못부른척 같지않나여?
아닌가 괜찮아요 노래 파트 바꿔 부르땐 엄청 잘 불렀는뎅..
윤하늘 이 노래가 높아서 그럴거예요
비투비 영원히 사랑해❣ 마자욬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ너무잘불렁
윤하늘 마자요 못 부르는척 이에용ㅋㅋ
Ilhoon voice improve
Seungjae rap was wow
Minhyuk can obviously sing
While Peniel is so cutteee, he can literally sing offccc if he only knows the lyrics and baby don't be shy
이루니 보고 아이돌 꿈이 됐는데 음역대가 낮아서 이룬이 보고 랩 하려고 했는데 음역대 봐라…. 우리 이루니 못 따라간다! 다재다능!!
ilhoon!!!! you surprised me!!! I didn't know that you have that beautiful voice 😱😱😍😍😍😭 PENIEL DON'T BE SHY!!! I KNOW YOU CAN SING IF YOU ONLY KNEW THE LYRICS!!!!
Farida Uzumaki with the help of eunkwang he has been getting better every day! Hehe
You must watch Eunkwang vocal class with Daegyeom and Ilhoon as students.
roku dawn I watch it on V live.
roku dawn it is from New Men era if you wanna scroll down BTOB V Live.
he still learning Korean, not shy, but sokay , he get better now😜💝
when you realized that btob rap line is really good at singing , ilhoon voice tho
와 대박 잘부르셔ㅋㅋㅋ저 힘든 노래를.. 그것도 랩퍼가..
옷촛S2 참고로 7보컬 7래퍼 7도른자들 입니당
헐.....너무 래퍼라인 너무 잘해서 놀람........일훈아...♡
이루니오빠 민혁이오빠 진짜많이연습했나봐. .
M_u_u 민혁이오빠는 데뷔할때
랩,노래 다했는데 다른멤버 불편할까봐
む。 민혁은 원래 전에 그룹 있었던 데에서 메인보컬이였는데 해체됐다가 랩에 관심 생겨서 바꾼거
프니엘 어딜부를지 몰라서 ㅋㄱㅋㅋ안절부절ㅋㅋㅋ귀여워ㅜㅜ일훈이진짜잘부른다
프니엘 귀여버ㅜㅜㅜ♥
when rapper line become vocal line...only btob boys can do that.
Liezl Borlagdan not really only btob. Infinite and Shinee can do it as well. But I love all of those groups. They are one of the most talented groups in kpop ever
Kezia Carmellia yess exactly 👏🏻
Infinite dongwhoo slay !!!!
Let's say that it's BTOB and INFINITE as far as I know.💕
Way back home is the most difficult song from btob even eunkwang and sub said that. Why you guys choose to sing this one lol
They purposely chose this
that is totally the reason why !😂
Jessica Shi thats the point 😂
these dorks wanted to make a point haha
It's already 2021 but i kept on re-watch this. The fact that this is one of BTOB's hardest song but the rapline nailed the vocal parts and even sungjae nailed the rap parts. Such a great performance as expected, it's BTOB.
keep on coming back to this video for years when i need to laugh but now i feel like crying..
the way ilhoon change the note is really good tho😊..and our penini keep checking the leadernim so cute..gotta depend on leadernim😊..usually Minhyuk can sing high notes but I guess this is so sudden that he is not ready..lmao
yong palli not that high of a note...no one is as good as our eunkwangnie..and Minhyuk is my bias too lol
Fae Vynn do I need to elaborate everything?
yong palli ????
Peniel can actually sing well he just can't read the lyrics that good yet and also can't hit those super high notes
3:32 When the two main rappers harmonize 😱🥺😭 Super proud 💙💙💙
저 녀석은 랩만 잘하는 줄 알았더니 노래도 잘하네
아... 어떡해... 정일훈 넘 귀여워... 이러다 죽는 게 아닐까...?
보컬인 성재가 랩하고 랩라인들은 다 노래만ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
2023, missing u ilhoon 😢
힘겹게 집으로 가는길에 충실히 화음도 쌓으며 가고있엌ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 암튼 대단한 랩라들ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I’m here to say that I miss Ill Hoon so much. He was one of my favorite rappers. I miss his rapping.
Me toooooo
Ilhooniiiiiiiii. Peniel is so cute
Saranghae Jung Ilhoon💙💙💙 I'll see you in 2023 okay? You got this. Yejiapsa💙💙💙
이루니 진짜 노래 시켜주세여ㅜ 파트 진짜 적어도 되니 한번만..ㅠ
ilhoon, your voice is really good omg 😍
i love ilhoon's voice😍
Sungjae slay the rap part ^_^
waaahhh peniel ur so cute Hahahaha. the rappers could sing really well. wow! Daebak!
0:10 peniel be like "we're screwed, its too high, why did we even agree to do this" while ilhoon is like "what? i think itll be okay"
0:48 minhyuk "oh dangg its high already" while ilhoon still chill
0:50 you can see ilhoons panic at the pitch for a slight second
then chaos starts i cant with these dorks
매일봐도 오른쪽에서 하드캐리하는 세분덕분에 계속웃고잇습니다ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 백만뷰 갑시다!!!!!!
Ilhoonie's version is SOOO GOOOOD
Jung ilhoon😍
It's the 6th of May 2021, I hope we still get to see the COMPLETE BTOB rap line singing like this again soon :)
7 forever
Yesss! Can you tell me who is who? I recognised only Minhyuk and Peniel. Sorry, I opened this group only after Kingdom
@@nika.klemanskaya sungjae (hoodie), ilhoon (suit)
@@nika.klemanskaya we have here from left to right Sungjae the maknae and vocalist minhyuk rapper peniel rapper and ilhoon rapper (quite the group after drug scandal)
PS: all the btob's members are rappers vocalists songwriters but the most songs are written by hyunsik another member and ilhoon and sometimes minhyuk and the most important all crackheads lol
Sorry I'm not fluent in English
7 forever
이민혁 육성재 왤케 잘함.......육성재 랩왤케 잘하냐고.....
래퍼라인들 또 노래 못 부르는척한당,,ㅎ
김다은 엇 못부른척이에여??
윤하늘 네네ㅠㅠ
다른영상보심 진짜 애들 노래 잘불러요ㅠㅠ
아희아씨 앙
김다은 ㅇㅈ이요ㅠㅠㅠ.....이민혁원래 고음왖너잘내는데.....
449라 안누를수가 업써따
They said they want to sing the hardest song of BTOB song. and they made it.
And the way Michael singing, his voice. Already love it. Make me want to repeat.
They are cute.
This is the first comment that I see calling ilhoon as michael. I almost got confused there, but I remembered that michael is ilhoon's christian name
@@hannahgrace8154 whoa...i didnt know that👀
Sungjae , your rap is good
Ilhoon voice. I am not speaking as his fans, but it's a fact that his voice is so unique.
our rappers are so good even thought they weren't that serious
성재 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ비계를 배고 누웤 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
isn't way back home is the hardest song of BTOB? haha they rock it!!
~rap line can't wait for your debut lol
3:35 Ilhoon-ni I Really like this note 😍😍😍😍
i dont wanna forget how ilhoon's voice sounds like so here i am watching every ilhoong singing video i miss him i only wish the best for you and for your healing our angel
I really miss u Ilhoon ❤️
일훈 잘한다...
정일훈 노래부를때 너무좋아 어떡해...
성재 랩 왜이렇게 잘해
Irunaaaa miss youuu
btob rappers are good singers and yook sungjae help with rap part hahaha
scored : 94 👍
Why was Hongki surprised?.. They sang well..
I NEED MORE ILHOON SINGING VIDS😭 Just look at him jumping excitedly 💜💜💜
Watch his videoke vlive during She's Gone promotion! He sings so good ugggh 😍 and he also once sang in yu hwiyeol's sketchbook (did I get the show title right) it was his first time singing in korean national TV and it was too good 😍
랩라인도 화음 잘 넣은거 보면 만년 비투비 너무 좋다
Ilhoon singing during the chorus is---- daebak
랩라인들 노래 왜이렇게잘해ㅜㅜ♥ 정일훈 고음 조나잘해 성재는 랩도잘하고ㅜㅜ♥
I believe that other BTOB members will bring Ilhoon back to us. They are not like any other idol groups, they have always been different and unique. That’s why i love them so much!
타팬인데 비투비는 래퍼라인도 노래를 후덜덜하게 잘하네요!!!👍👍👍
그 와중에도 육성재 노래...💕💕💕
miss you so much Ilhoon
Minhyuk you should start singing
Yeah ... He cud adapt with note that suit his voice
He used to sing a bit in their earlier songs, back when Ilhoon shouldered the rapping parts and Peniel still wasn't granted lines
@@theperfectprettygirl5194 true.. i actually find Minhyuks vocals are deep... he just needs to sing vocally again.. but he always say that rapping is what he loves so i guess we can just appreciate the switching parts sometimes... Minhyukie jjang!!
missing Ilhoon hours! :(
Ilhoon ,😥😭💙
프니엘 님 너무 귀여우세욯후후ㅠ 입덕위기 정일훈님은 감성충만하시고 민혁님은 노래 잘 부르구ㅠㅠㅠ
I miss ilhoon 😢
are you sure this is rap line? they should be on vocal line too even didn't reach highnote :)
Ohmygaahdd I'm watching this in public and I can't stop laughing rn kahdhsj hahaha ilhoon, peniel & minhyuk actually has a nice voice even tho they can't reach the high notes and Sunjae @ 2:19 tho "respect" hahaha I love them so much!! 😂💕
I think Minhyuk's voice wasn't ready yet. He's known for his dolphin range high notes 😂😂😂
대체 어째서 왜 언제부터 성재가 랩라인인건데요ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
우엥ㅠㅠㅠㅠ너무 귀엽워....일훈이 랩 너무 잘한다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
I miss you Ilhoon 💙
Ilhoon, come back to us when everything is okay. We are waiting for a complete 7TOB again.
Miss ilhoon aaaa 😢
3:02 ilhoon so cuteee
Oh gosh ... Rain is coming again . If had one single wish I could back to this moment again . I don't have nothing to pay All these years of happiness with ma boys .
Ilhoon, your voice 😭😭👏👏👍👍👍
I'm crying watching this vid again.....i love you so much ilhoonaaa:") he's so soft in this vid and slay the song with his angelic voice