10 Signs of Kidney Disease You Should NEVER Ignore

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Your body has a way of warning you when something is wrong. But are you paying attention? Kidney disease doesn’t just start one day; the signs are there!
    From frequent urination to blood in your urine, foamy pee, swollen feet, and even insomnia, your body might already be trying to tell you something. But do you know what to look out for?
    In this video, Aproko Doctor breaks down signs of kidney disease that you should NEVER ignore. Watch till the end because your health depends on it!
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    #KidneyHealth #AprokoDoctor #KidneyDisease #HealthTips #FoamyUrine #SwollenFeet #UrinatingFrequently #BloodInUrine #MedicalEducation #StayHealthy

Комментарии • 447

  • @PeteMoh12
    @PeteMoh12 13 дней назад +6

    "I know that some of you are still eating sausage behind my back” 😂😂😂

  • @okechukwuabugusmart7598
    @okechukwuabugusmart7598 15 дней назад +6

    You see that waking up night to pee.....I don't have issue with it because a lot water....sometimes i drink at midnight 😂

  • @helennaalexandria367
    @helennaalexandria367 15 дней назад +82

    8am Thursday 13th March... We will be healthy to hit 1k button 2026❤❣️

    • @nekpenikponwenosa7509
      @nekpenikponwenosa7509 15 дней назад +5

      2025 not 2026 stop Rushing

    • @helennaalexandria367
      @helennaalexandria367 15 дней назад +3

      @nekpenikponwenosa7509 jokes on you 🤣😂... Read again slowly when you're fully awake 🤣😂.... Happy to see you again healthy same day 2026...

    • @ennydamsel7216
      @ennydamsel7216 15 дней назад +3


    • @AnthonyMaryjane
      @AnthonyMaryjane 15 дней назад +2


    • @Oma8888
      @Oma8888 15 дней назад +1

      Amen 🙏 ❤

  • @retroseventy3
    @retroseventy3 10 дней назад +6

    Sadly, i lost my mom last month. She was diagnosed of CKD without even any of these signs and she died during dialysis that same day. Ever since then, i no go lie fear they catch me. No one knows if they doing too much or less until they r sick. We pray for the grace to live healthier and longer. Life no balance!

  • @EkpoEkeng
    @EkpoEkeng 14 дней назад +7

    Please do a video on how to keep a healthy kidney 😢

  • @happinessinemesit2973
    @happinessinemesit2973 15 дней назад +5

    I lost a childhood friend to kidney failure after a successful kidney transplant.
    It was so sad!!
    Continue to rest in peace Tee 🙏

  • @mosesobute2481
    @mosesobute2481 15 дней назад +7

    I have recently experienced every single thing this doctor has mentioned. Thank God for recovery without dialysis or transplant.

    • @blessingnwobu1919
      @blessingnwobu1919 15 дней назад

      How did you recover

    • @mosesobute2481
      @mosesobute2481 15 дней назад +2

      @blessingnwobu1919 I was admitted at the hospital for weeks getting treatment there. I've been discharged for weeks now but I'm still on medication (rounded up most already though), doing tests and check ups.

    • @oluchilucy4325
      @oluchilucy4325 14 дней назад +3

      I also went through this last year while pregnant God used great doctors to heal me, I did dialysis and was admitted for weeks. Thank God for your life

  • @Darul-Itqan
    @Darul-Itqan 15 дней назад +5

    Catching it early makes it easier to manage..... May Allah protect us from sicknesses that has no "Known" cure

  • @cynthiamackie8162
    @cynthiamackie8162 14 дней назад +4

    1:16 or else... Nothing will happen😂😂😂 made me subscribe

  • @bukolaajayi6178
    @bukolaajayi6178 15 дней назад +11

    So I watched till the end. Very enlightening piece. But can you make a video or tell us how to take care of the kidneys in order not to end up with all you’ve mentioned

    • @AliuIkpeminoghena-o1w
      @AliuIkpeminoghena-o1w 14 дней назад

      Start with drinking enough water like 6 to 10 litres a day if you can but the medical recommendation is at least 4litres.. But living up to this part, will trigger frequent urination and you need not panic until it becomes too frequent like doctor just explained..
      Drink a glass of water before you go to bed and first thing in the morning when you wake up..
      Add some exercise to your routine,
      Eat less of toxic meals, avoid very late night food, and do not for any reason hold urine for too long, once you feel to urge to urinate, just go do it immediately especially when traveling cos many will prefer to hold till they get to their destination which is very unacceptable by your body..
      Limit eating cold meals like you cooked soup and made garri(eba) in the morning and ate, then you take same meal in the afternoon or evening without warming it, very bad.. always eat your food warm..
      More things to do but these should be the major..
      Am not a doctor but I read medical stuffs often

  • @sofoluweomosalewa0197
    @sofoluweomosalewa0197 12 дней назад +5

    I am a Nephrology Nurse, please take more water bc of your kidneys.
    Thank you Aproko doctor

    • @chibuzorkingsley5202
      @chibuzorkingsley5202 10 дней назад

      But most times wen we drink too much water it makes one to urinate frequently

    • @ifynwafor9640
      @ifynwafor9640 10 дней назад +1

      At least you have a reason for urinating frequently not because of kidney issue​@@chibuzorkingsley5202

  • @DooshimaYonkor
    @DooshimaYonkor 15 дней назад +3

    I love the the sense of humour in telling the truth. I watched to the very end and I’m enlightened. Thank you Dr

  • @LolaAk-nl8ll
    @LolaAk-nl8ll 15 дней назад +7

    Aproko Doctor teach us how to take care of our Kidney if we have a history of hypertension or Diabetes in the family.

  • @victortoyosi2281
    @victortoyosi2281 15 дней назад +5

    I watched someone lost his life yesterday due to kidney failure. Thanks for this video.

    • @MakEsther-21
      @MakEsther-21 15 дней назад +2

      Damn🥺🥺🥺🥺sorry about that

  • @happinessboluwatife6835
    @happinessboluwatife6835 15 дней назад +7

    God please give us good health

  • @Osinachi3
    @Osinachi3 12 дней назад +4

    Doctor ur editor is top notch ❤❤❤

  • @tomjajanice2371
    @tomjajanice2371 15 дней назад +2

    11:30 I stayed to the end 😊
    I’m glad I did, learnt a lot, especially when you talked about hereditary 😢

  • @michaelusman4570
    @michaelusman4570 15 дней назад +2

    Love your concept in explaining in-depth to a lay man

  • @monalisa4539
    @monalisa4539 15 дней назад +5

    The rise of kidney disease has become a silent crisis, affecting millions worldwide. Once considered a rare condition, it is now a primary health concern due to lifestyle changes, poor diet, and increasing cases of diabetes and hypertension. Many people do not realize they have kidney disease until it reaches a critical stage, as symptoms often remain unnoticed in the early phases.
    For those affected, life becomes a battle of strict diets, medications, and, in severe cases, dialysis or transplants. The emotional and financial burden is overwhelming, especially in places where healthcare access is limited. Yet, prevention is possible-staying hydrated, maintaining a balanced diet, managing blood pressure, and avoiding excessive painkillers can protect kidney health.
    Awareness is key. People must understand that their daily habits affect their kidneys, and early detection can save lives. Without action, kidney disease will continue to claim lives, turning what is now a growing issue into a full-blown health crisis.

  • @uforoukpong8378
    @uforoukpong8378 15 дней назад +2

    I like your Aproko 😂. The name fits you. I stayed to the end ooo✅

  • @Obafemi-
    @Obafemi- 14 дней назад +5

    How I can relate to everything here.
    God heal my dad😢

    • @oluwadamilolakoya5302
      @oluwadamilolakoya5302 14 дней назад

      I can completely relate because my mum is also in this situation right. I'm even watching this on the hospital

    • @Obafemi-
      @Obafemi- 14 дней назад +1

      Oh my, I pray for strength for you and healing on your mum​@@oluwadamilolakoya5302

    • @Kisscurls0206
      @Kisscurls0206 13 дней назад

      @@Obafemi- Amen

    • @Kisscurls0206
      @Kisscurls0206 13 дней назад +1

      @@oluwadamilolakoya5302 may God heal her.

  • @mudiaga123
    @mudiaga123 14 дней назад +3

    Please talk about prostate problem for men

  • @Tina-w7y2p
    @Tina-w7y2p 15 дней назад +2

    Thank you Dr. Nobody watches your presentation without learning something new. God bless you and inspire you more.
    Please I not only watched to the end, but also shared. So how do I get my own cheque?

  • @oloruntomialagbe322
    @oloruntomialagbe322 15 дней назад +4

    Thank you Aproko doctor for all the health education.
    Could you please make a video on prostate in men, cause and effective remedy. Thank you!

  • @Teenmom24
    @Teenmom24 13 дней назад +2

    Thank you so much doctor for this information,My brother did not look out for any of this signs, till it eat deep into him 😢he’s just 22 and he has been living on dialysis since last year now we need money for kidney transplant

  • @madonnasteve9938
    @madonnasteve9938 13 дней назад +5

    Kindly give me my checkmark cause I always make it to the end of all your videos

  • @ernestometer
    @ernestometer 15 дней назад +2

    I watched to the very end. I am a big fan you. Thanks for the info.

  • @Cookwithhills
    @Cookwithhills 14 дней назад +2

    I stayed till the end cos of the useful information

  • @kiki29708
    @kiki29708 12 дней назад +6

    Me watching this and having issue with my kidney (a kidney stone, 3mml) it was found in my right kidney but the last scan shows that, it in my urinary tract making my kidney swell. Hoping to heal soon😢

    • @graceese3192
      @graceese3192 11 дней назад

      Receive your healing in Jesus name

    • @olayinkabakare7207
      @olayinkabakare7207 10 дней назад +1


    • @OrefiIrene
      @OrefiIrene 10 дней назад +1

      Drink lot i mean lots of water. I had an encounter with the same problem as yours but her drinking of plenty water flushed d stone out an experienced midwive did d removing of d stone so there's no excessive intake of water
      Please do this n see a good result

    • @kiki29708
      @kiki29708 20 часов назад

      @@graceese3192 Amen 🙌

    • @kiki29708
      @kiki29708 20 часов назад

      @@OrefiIrene l drink water a lot 2 to 3 litres every day... thank you tho

  • @trust493
    @trust493 12 часов назад

    Thank you Mama For This You put up together

  • @Unstoppable_with_Judy
    @Unstoppable_with_Judy 15 дней назад +1

    Okay thank God . I’m urinating like 3 times a day. Full bladder and everything. Thank God for good health

  • @IreAyomi-g1c
    @IreAyomi-g1c 15 дней назад +3

    I watched till the end and I have few of these symptoms you mentioned except you didn't mention one lower back left side cramp and sharp pain

    • @IreAyomi-g1c
      @IreAyomi-g1c 15 дней назад

      Those are my simptoms
      Frequent urination
      Muscle pull , pain and weakness
      Lower back left side pain
      Headaches and dizziness
      Increase and decrease in appetite

    • @jdotitv7395
      @jdotitv7395 15 дней назад

      That one na kidney stone is different from kidney disease thats why you need to stop swallowing somthing strong that your kidney cannot crush 😅

  • @NwaChinechere
    @NwaChinechere 13 дней назад +2

    I made it to the end cos i like your information.

  • @Ventolaa
    @Ventolaa 14 дней назад +1


  • @rosydiadem
    @rosydiadem 15 дней назад +3

    Everyone loves Aproko Doctor

  • @roselinebidemi3385
    @roselinebidemi3385 15 дней назад +1

    Thank you! I watched till the very end. Doc where is my checkmark?😂

  • @AliuIkpeminoghena-o1w
    @AliuIkpeminoghena-o1w 14 дней назад +3

    I love this teaching sir.. keep bringing to us, it's educating and enlightening..

  • @chizzyibe7401
    @chizzyibe7401 15 дней назад +6

    The funny thing is that most of the symptoms apkoroko doctor mentioned is related to various other types of non serious and serious problems....so dont be alarmed....its best u always go to the hospital and do check ups...

    • @Stickyourjoystickout
      @Stickyourjoystickout 15 дней назад +1

      That is the problem. Most of those symptoms are also symptoms of some other ailment. Makes it super hard to know which is which

  • @Adufeyii
    @Adufeyii 14 дней назад +1

    From X down to RUclips,Aproko doc just remind me of the Doctor visit I have been postponing 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

  • @eseogodo8776
    @eseogodo8776 13 дней назад +1

    I made it to the end and subscribed. It was very informative.

  • @bilkisuyusuf2803
    @bilkisuyusuf2803 15 дней назад +1

    I dey wait for the check ✔️ aproko doctor 😜

  • @atinukeonabanji9531
    @atinukeonabanji9531 4 дня назад +2

    Thank you, Aproko Doctor

  • @merciano2018
    @merciano2018 15 дней назад +3

    Thank you so much. This is very Educative. Please kindly do a video on fatty liver and remedy.❤❤

  • @njiblackkarinton1801
    @njiblackkarinton1801 15 дней назад +10

    I really feel like crying watching this video. My dad has been on dialysis now for more than 2 years, I've spent everything I have worked for and I'm still spending...

    • @masterlightjames950
      @masterlightjames950 15 дней назад +3

      Focus on diet. Make sure the water is clean.

    • @AlmajiriFeedingbyHajia.Hyusuf
      @AlmajiriFeedingbyHajia.Hyusuf 15 дней назад +1


    • @AndeeAttah
      @AndeeAttah 15 дней назад +1

      So sorry about this. I pray for healing for your dad, and for financial recovery for you, amen 🙏🏽

    • @yellostoneentertainment8923
      @yellostoneentertainment8923 13 дней назад

      Thanks bro

    • @joye5761
      @joye5761 13 дней назад +1

      I pray for total healing of your dad, in Yeshua’s mighty name amen. Your dad should do Intermittent Fasting 16/8 to start with, eat within 8 hours and fast for 16 afterwards he can increase the fasting to 20/4, where he has to fast for 20 hrs and eat within 4 hour period. It’s highly important that his diet has no carbs and sugar, but vegetables and fruits that are alkaline and have a low glycemic index. He can later on progress to OMAD, where he eats once a day, same type of foods that will cleanse his organs of impurities. Intermittent fasting and healthy diet resets your health, and cures ailments. You can do some research on it, I have seen videos and there are several documented from renowned doctors and health centres, where people in the last stage of chronic cancer were completely healed. Research on it, God bless you and don’t give up.

  • @JamesOma-re4pm
    @JamesOma-re4pm 15 дней назад +3

    If someone goes to the hospital for general check will the kidney test be included??

  • @amandafenfang7121
    @amandafenfang7121 15 дней назад +1

    You always know how to analyze and explain in details. Good teacher❤

  • @maryjaneokezie9626
    @maryjaneokezie9626 14 дней назад +2

    After paying attention on this crucial information for 11mins… I must say I’m very scared right now cos I’ve noticed most of these signs recently but ignored
    Now I’m scared 😮😢

    • @calistafabian3709
      @calistafabian3709 13 дней назад +2

      Go and do test Asap

      @SELADZORDZORME 10 дней назад

      No need to be scared at all...report it to a very good doctor as already suggested. Some tests may probably be done to find the exact reasons for these signs in order to ensure you continue to remain healthy.
      God is good! Keep trusting Him.

  • @naijafutboltv8704
    @naijafutboltv8704 15 дней назад

    This aproko doc wife go dey enjoy am aswear...such a trouble maker 😂😂😂

  • @munaenkay362
    @munaenkay362 15 дней назад +2

    Comedian is a little bit serious with this teaching. Very nice and great piece.

  • @emameziorezimena4499
    @emameziorezimena4499 14 дней назад +5

    "I did not say you should go to deliverance service..." 🤔
    Mba it's like your voice was too low. Let me help you and shout it very well.
    No be say deliverance service bad ooo, but that should not be the first point of call biko. Go and see a doctor FIRST.
    Una hear am??? Okay.
    God bless you dokay 🙏

  • @olubiyikenny8544
    @olubiyikenny8544 3 дня назад +1

    Thanks for sharing this information. God bless you abundantly

  • @fantasticstore7609
    @fantasticstore7609 14 дней назад +2

    Thank you for this great information 🙏

  • @stephahmadu3327
    @stephahmadu3327 14 дней назад +2

    God bless you sir, i can now take care of my mom well with this lovely information 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  • @damisiawe
    @damisiawe 9 дней назад +1

    Very informative. What about people that have kidney stones?

  • @ChinenyeLifestyle
    @ChinenyeLifestyle 14 дней назад +1

    I watched to the end. Thanks 🙏 for the vivid understandable information

  • @BlessingIhuoma-r4y
    @BlessingIhuoma-r4y 15 дней назад +1

    God bless you Dr. for always educating us on health issues.

  • @FergusonRachel
    @FergusonRachel 15 дней назад +1

    You did not mention bleaching cream doctor
    Partial 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @mokoshishi
      @mokoshishi 15 дней назад

      What do u mean by that?

  • @blessingidialu7839
    @blessingidialu7839 12 дней назад +1

    I just like seeing you speak 😂😂😂😂my kidneys are very ok

  • @profitplaybiz
    @profitplaybiz 15 дней назад +1

    Amazing video, we learn everyday ❤

  • @gistmerchant
    @gistmerchant 15 дней назад +7

    The Federal government has subsidized dialysis now. It's 15000 in Federal government facilities that offer such services

  • @omodolapo2243
    @omodolapo2243 15 дней назад +1

    Please I have a question doctor
    Can U make a video of lower waste pain and right side pain causes

  • @fayemichael6337
    @fayemichael6337 15 дней назад +1

    Thank you doctor ❤

  • @crystalzag7143
    @crystalzag7143 12 дней назад +1

    Thank you for this education.

  • @isaiahtobi
    @isaiahtobi 15 дней назад +1

    this man had to force us to subscribe, well I just did, you win.

  • @obiagelibamiduro723
    @obiagelibamiduro723 15 дней назад +1

    Thank you Doc for all your efforts to feed us with health information, please can you refresh us about ozempic

  • @stefanie.Merenma
    @stefanie.Merenma 15 дней назад

    As he said “and if by now you’ve not subscribed,” I quickly checked to know if I have. The way I immediately subscribed and liked the video ehn😂😂. Doc no vex, we don subscribe

  • @boladeajibola207
    @boladeajibola207 12 дней назад +1

    Thanks for sharing with us, Aproko Doctor

  • @RuthOkolo-n8p
    @RuthOkolo-n8p 14 дней назад +1

    Love the information you give Doc, thank you for caring about our healths😊

  • @peterdaniella4691
    @peterdaniella4691 15 дней назад

    I stayed to the end. Thank you for the information

  • @onyetemvictoria
    @onyetemvictoria 15 дней назад +1

    Thanks Doc

  • @candidanwaro4741
    @candidanwaro4741 14 дней назад +3

    Exactly! Nothing will happen if we don't subscribe 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @agnessulaiman9264
    @agnessulaiman9264 15 дней назад +1

    Thank you aproko doctor

  • @Wisdom4wealth2
    @Wisdom4wealth2 15 дней назад +1

    Doctor please talk about people that use rubber container to pass waste especially those living here in Lagos. How hygenic is it compared to the house toilet

    • @masterlightjames950
      @masterlightjames950 15 дней назад

      WC is not healthy or natural. You should be squatting to poo, not sitting.

  • @Ijeoma-Okoli
    @Ijeoma-Okoli 15 дней назад +1

    Thank you sir🎉

  • @UzomaEbere-i4b
    @UzomaEbere-i4b 15 дней назад

    Keep it up aproko dr.your video is always the first thing I watch every morning to know what to do and what not to do.
    Pls don't stop dropping early morning learning

  • @khadijatdammy
    @khadijatdammy 15 дней назад +1

    Doctor pls what about severe lower back pain

  • @fataioluwadamilola2083
    @fataioluwadamilola2083 15 дней назад +1

    God Bless You, Doctor

  • @bettyjohn1265
    @bettyjohn1265 15 дней назад +1

    Aproko doctor na so I will be following you every where because Im leaning a lot

  • @emmanuelamedu8797
    @emmanuelamedu8797 15 дней назад

    Doctor wey dey burst kidney, sorry brain. All join. Thank doctor...🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @maryjohn9245
    @maryjohn9245 13 дней назад +1

    Thank you for the lesson 🎉

  • @chidieberenwanyanwu9308
    @chidieberenwanyanwu9308 14 дней назад +1

    I made it to the end.
    Where's my check mark?
    Thank you very much Doc ❤️

    • @aprokodoctor
      @aprokodoctor  14 дней назад

      Well done Nkechi

    • @chidieberenwanyanwu9308
      @chidieberenwanyanwu9308 14 дней назад +4

      @@aprokodoctor who seize the air??? I can't breathe Aproko Doctor replied me🥲🥲🥲
      Thanks Doc.

  • @alexcoco-1ze
    @alexcoco-1ze 13 дней назад +1

    Prevention is better than cure.
    Thank you, sir

  • @sandrauzoechi157
    @sandrauzoechi157 15 дней назад +1

    Thank you Doctor

  • @NkechiRoseUlogo
    @NkechiRoseUlogo 13 дней назад +1

    Very informative.

  • @OdionOkosodo
    @OdionOkosodo 15 дней назад +1

    What can we do to protect it

  • @SadeDeborah
    @SadeDeborah 13 дней назад +2

    Thank you so much aproko

  • @AdetulaAderonke-w8p
    @AdetulaAderonke-w8p 15 дней назад +1

    Thank you Doctor
    Please can you talk about Gallstones

  • @AghoghoAkporuaro-s6o
    @AghoghoAkporuaro-s6o 13 дней назад +1

    Thank you sir for the information

  • @nonsoanenechukwu
    @nonsoanenechukwu 15 дней назад +1

    thanks doc

  • @mamanmira5899
    @mamanmira5899 15 дней назад +1

    Am happy I found this

  • @lucyij
    @lucyij 15 дней назад +2

    Pls Aporoko Dr pains of the waist, hip and knee is killing a lot of women o...can you teach and proscribe how to manage it, thanks

    • @nanas.recipes_
      @nanas.recipes_ 15 дней назад +1

      Please talk about this Dr. This is a very important issue. Thanks for bringing it up.

  • @OlufunkeAjagbonna
    @OlufunkeAjagbonna 15 дней назад

    I watched till the end. Thanks Doc.

  • @drpenfreakart
    @drpenfreakart 15 дней назад +10

    Painful urination, rapid weight loss and cloudy urine can also be signs of kidney issues. Please run tests.

    • @smarthustlersclub6375
      @smarthustlersclub6375 15 дней назад +2

      All of these symptoms I have it, and I urinate frequently because I always drink alot of water

  • @ezengozieunice1528
    @ezengozieunice1528 13 дней назад +1

    Nice one doc 🎉

  • @ChibuzorVivian
    @ChibuzorVivian 11 дней назад +1

    I came all the way from WhatsApp channel to watch this.
    Very insightful and educative

  • @olajumokegracias6853
    @olajumokegracias6853 15 дней назад +1

    Not me scratching my body to see if it's peeling 😂😂😂

    @OPJHUB 13 дней назад

    Ghana 🇬🇭 let's gather here.
    We are enjoying Aproko dr

  • @AdeagboAlihat
    @AdeagboAlihat 14 дней назад +2

    I made it to the end doc

  • @zionchidi8393
    @zionchidi8393 15 дней назад +2

    Dr. Aproko. Where is your hospital address please??

  • @ehiagheogbeide2343
    @ehiagheogbeide2343 15 дней назад +1

    Federal Govt has subsidize treatment for those with kidney failures.... @ most teaching in Nigeria.
    Thank you Aproko Doc. for all you do. God bless you

    • @masterlightjames950
      @masterlightjames950 15 дней назад

      Yes. After poisoning your kidneys with free pesticides and fertilisers, they give you free treatment 😅