ASMR | 3 HOURS ocean towel sounds for sleep - no talking
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- Back with another long video! I'm kinda unhappy with it though, I think the makeup might be a little too much but I hope you can enjoy it anyways!
It's a ocean wave sound towel video with no talking just pure sounds to hopefully help you relax and fall asleep ♥
Thank you for being here and supporting what I do!
Huge shout-out to my boyfriend who is cutting the videos for you guys!
Sleep tight and Gute Nacht ♥
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Thanks! The makeup is bad-ass, and the video was incredibly well done!
It's 2022. I left youtube on the background with random videos to evade from the noise of war and covid news, and after a while I've had to check this up, expecting an awesome ocean video. To my surprise, there's a person doing the most precise imitation of sea waves that I've listened to. Sorry for my english and all that, but, I just had to comment this one to thank the author. Great work!! Take care!
Xator, your English is perfect! Hope you're doing well.
No matter where you are. I hope you are well. We are all human and deserve kindness and peace of mind.
@@Darth_Revan25 Thanks, same to you :-)
I will pray for you now! ❤️
The consistency of the motion and fading in and out of the intensity really makes it sound as if there is an ocean not far off. I really admire your technique here and I'll be honest this has gotten me to sleep at times when I thought I would go another 72 hours without sleeping. Thank you for your wonderful creation. I hope you are aware that you are appreciated no matter what life throws at you. Even as a total stranger you have shown me a great deal of comfort I could only hope to achieve in my lifetime. This continued effort for mental health and simultaneous freedom of self expression in the ASMR community is something that makes me look forward to getting up every day regardless of the result. Thanks.
Closing my eyes, my mind brought me back to the shores of my childhood holidays.
Love the Art, love the make up and the smile. Thanks for the ride.
Bruh it’s an asmr video
@@smithers2530 I don’t even remember typing this comment
@@-cletus5773 forgiven and forgotten cletus
@@cash_Machi0 thanks Fr
This immediately takes me back to my childhood, growing up near the beach in Australia and hearing the waves in the pitch blackness at night. Warm summer nights lying on a sand dune looking up at the night sky
Honestly not fair that’s sounds so relaxing and amazing and like a dream literally all I want to do
That sounds wonderful.
Waves in Australia go away from the shore
Lucky you 🤗
Merci à o
It's very impressive what she can do with a mic and a towel.
Works better than sleeping pills.
Thanks miss, you probably helped a lot of people very measurably.
Because pills are a pharmaceutical. You don’t need any of that. Its all in your mind
Her makeup is always in detail. Sometimes i get spooked at someones symbolism on their makeup but hers is unique for some reason
That's because she said somewhere once that she just has fun with it. It's not based on any religion or anything. So no established symbology is being used here. I think that's also why I like it, and why it doesn't spook me either 😂
You’ve opened my eyes (and ears) to the no talking ASMR stuff and how much more effective it is (for me personally), thank you.
Also you have gorgeous eyes and a lovely smile.
what a warm presence. those smiles are so sweet you'd think she could actually see us. made me smile every time i looked up and she was looking back.
Omg the makeup is just amazing. You should do it like that all the time. It’s 90% why I chose this video but then the towel rubbing amplified the overall satisfaction to 10,000%. Woo, high five!
Thank you so much. I was looking for this specific sound. I remember being a kid and staying in a apartment far away from the beach. I could hear the waves from afar but muted because all windows were closed. Tried with many ASMR videos but the waves were too loud. This is perfect sounds just like those memories. I’ve slept so much better ever since I see this video
Found this by accident, and so glad I did! Three hours, Amazing makeup, Relaxing hand movements, Sounds exactly like the ocean. Superb darling 😴✨
The ocean sounds you do are the perfect background noise to calm me without distraction, while I do schoolwork. Also, I absolutely love your makeup. 🌼
This is by far one of the best ASMR videos and that face make up is freaking amazing. I’ve always liked the Nordic Viking eye makeup and you seriously pull it off beautifully.
I've combed through many ASMR artists on tiktok and on here. And NO ONE,...I mean NO ONE is doing this technique. Brilliant and beautiful !
I was attracted by the make up and stayed for the quality. It's truly divine
I've been away for a while, and now I remember why I missed these. This is immersive relaxation. I close my eyes listening to this and I'm somewhere else.
I can't speak for anyone else , but i think asmr devinity has become one of the most popular asmr bloggers on youtube, what i like is how alert & engaging she is every second she is in the videos not alot of other youtubers do that and i like that.
That’s honestly so crazy how a towel can make the sound of the ocean.
And thunderstorms. It’s amazing!!!
it's crazy that the ocean makesthe same sound as a towel tbh
Yer a towel!
@@Myrkzzmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm MMA
beach towels are born in the ocean. it is known.
Everybody is talking about the makeup but why is nobody talking about the fact that this video is THREE HOURS LONG. I don’t even care if it’s looped nobody would ever know. Also there is no way that makeup took any less then an hour because😳😳 gah dayum
Im so glad someone said it.
@@towelpartypanic looped looped 😬
True, Lol. Is it really looped? I hadn't noticed if it was, Lol. Also, bisquit, you are my favorite on the McDonald's menu!, besides being one of three food options or so, cuz i don't eat meat and I'll never forget this little brat at the register like "we only have it with meat" and in my head I was like "no lil' bitch, you must give me my egg and cheese you little puny cunt!". The poor thing was prolly new and I'm too polite so I witheld my anger at the time. But next time some bitch wants to give me some attitude, I will call a bitch out and we can hash it out in the parking lot!!!😝
That's interesting
the timing of the sounds really makes it sounds like the ocean
I’ve been quite sick the past few days and this video has been one of the only things to bring me comfort. Thank you for your hard work ❤
This almost sounds like I’m under the ocean waves, if that makes sense? Such a cool sound, and I’m glad I found you ☺️ love your makeup btw
I have sat at 24 feet, off three tables in Hawaii. When I got peeved...That's where I would go with two 80 cubes and listen to this and coral sounds. I feel your meaning.
This should be one of the top asmr channels out there imo, your vids are the best
I agree that the makeup is awesome, but this video being this high-quality at this duration is nuts. I immediately subscribed after the first video I saw of yours, and now I have to add the bell because this is ridiculously good.
And the sad part is, most of us will probably only be awake for the first 30 minutes or so lol. I have to say, this is excellent to listen to at work when I'm trying to write or concentrate.
Okay thanks!! You're Discharged Sarge!
@@universalsoldier2293 you're Discharged Sarge!
She has a natural ear for "sounds". I subscribed after the first time of hearing her.
Floating on an ocean of towels while sipping skittles from a cocktail cup. Fabulous.
I love your makeup in every single video! ✨ You're the only one that can relax me, I don't get tingles from asmr but you are so relaxing, I'm super glad I found you🥰
I'm sure somebody has asked by now but, where do you get your inspiration for your makeup? It's always super unique, you're super talented!! This one is definitely among my favorites❤️
Her makeup does look awesome! I would like to know more about the inspiration for the designs too!
@@thomasallwood She has a video of her doing her makeup from scratch, and she talks a bit about it in there.
Viking war paint some comments said how dope
You have some kind of mystical connection to the soul of the universe!! It’s like I’m looking at something divine. I’m speechless!!
I'm getting Hellblade: Senua's sacrifice vibes here. 🤘 amazing video, session and makeup
This is perfect Divinity. The rise and fall in the volumes to crescendo of deep wave breaks and,the feel of the rip as the tide ebbs is awesome. You hold the continuity of relentless Ocean motions beautifully, no gaps and always movement. I have spent many hours in the sea, This is truly magical .Thank You 💕❤️💨🌊🌤
Have you found your way out of the sea yet?
@@nickgarcia1292 Trying to find my way back in presently...😁👍
Edit (shorter): this is good stuff.
Thanks for your work
Thank you so much for your support!
This is literally insane. I stumbled upon your channel from a recommended video. It was a video of you making thunderstorm sounds using a towel, a makeup brush and your hands.. I was baffled then and I am still baffled. You do this so effortlessly and beautifully!! THIS SOUNDS INCREDIBLE. I have subscribed and I absolutely love your content! 🥰💕
This is literally the best “ocean sound” ASMR video out there
I really love your channel and your videos. You're very relaxing and peaceful to listen to, and it's soo nice to have recordings longer than 10-20 minutes and which keep going and keep me relaxed. Thanks so much for all your hard work at this. You make such a difference. :D:D:D
Completely irrelevant to ASMR, but I have to say that your makeup is the coolest I've ever seen. Bold. Original.
Divinity's makeup is always so cool she reminds me of like a viking warrior or something like that where it makes her look both really pretty but also really badass and mystical. this look also adds to her top tier content makes Divinity one of if not the best asmartists on the platform the fact that she isnt at 1mil+ subs is an affront to quality asmr content
Your face painting is amazing! Also the consistency of your strokes is so smooth, it’s like the surf is right outside my door. Thank you for sleep. 😁
Took me a few seconds to realize the sound wasn't background noise. This is really relaxing!
Thank you for 3 lovely hours of Sleep Divi!! Nice makeup style friend!
this helps me go to sleep on difficult nights, thank you
this sounds so real I can so easily close my eyes and imagine sitting on the beach with this sound
There is something magical in your eyes! It captured me immediately! It really does sound like OceanWaves!! Amazing!!
That makeup is incredible. That little smile when you look at the camera is divine. 🙏🏼
Ah! I love this so much! Beautiful makeup and ocean sounds! ❤
The amount of times I’ve fallen asleep to other videos and always end up on this one as I wake up is ridiculous
Best sleep aid ever! thank you!
Thank you so much for your support and kind words ❤️ Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!
I love your videos so much, and my cat recently had surgery and she has been watching your videos all week too, it really helped calm her down so she could sleep and heal, I really appreciate every video you make and so does my kitty :) she is watching it right now as I’m typing this lol
The look, the smile, the sound = UTOPIA!!! Thank you!!!!
This is my new #1 distract my brain video to fall asleep. Been so easy to sleep in the past few weeks with this video. 🙂
Literally woke up screaming after a nightmare because this sound has my sleeping mind convinced I was lost in the woods at night on a long dark road and my boyfriend couldn't get my calls to come help me 😭
Having sat and listened to this while awake and not anxious it reminds me of the beach with my grandad, thankyou for this tollercoaster 😂
Love this vid, sounds just like being by the sea side and wow your makeup is incredible!
German death metal asmrtist is just the way I like it
wow, this is really relaxing and it really helped me fall asleep, I love ocean this video makes me feel like I am there!
keep going at it, people are enjoying these ! 💙 And I also love your make-up
amazing... 3 hours!
and your "ocean sounds" are better than irl ocean lol
I'm possible
Aye there lassie. You look like a Nordic warrior priestess and your tingles were godsent
I read that in a Irish accent
@@ynln1636 ya think how many places use "lassie" in the dialect
Also badumch
And somewere on this planet a person who dosent know irish will be like
: she dosent look like a border collie at all 🤣
I LOVE all the makeup you do, and especially this. Your aesthetic and your smile make the videos that much better.
The face painting is gorgeous. I absolutely love it. Gave me something to marvel at while i drifted off ❤
Just woken up to this after dreamed about me and a good friend having a beautiful time of freedom at one beach were water was so cristalline. Thank you Divinity, this dream was so divine indeed! ❤
You are my go-to homework helper!!! Literally the only one who can subdue the ADHD voice in my brain when I need to focus
i just had an incredibly horrible panic attack and this really helped to get through it and breathe, so thank you so much
If you close your eyes, you would really feel like you're at the beach! This was good! Thank you
Makeup is amazing, you should consider getting a profession in it. Great video :)
Trippin tha shi scary
@@Lordelija lol I got that impression at first but couldn't see it after I knew it was divi lol
@colleenallmyfriends Thant's because your small minded and your opinion is based on attraction factor, I just mean it's amazing as in it looks like something a film makeup crew would produce. It looks amazing because it looks as intended
@colleenallmyfriends No see it's the fact that you don't understand that it's all for a show. Just because it's not attractive to you doesn't mean your small minded. Fair have your opinions I'm just saying your viewing it in the wrong light.
@colleenallmyfriends I just wish people would see the other side to things and notice more in the world. Such a shame no one's living in the present and just in there own fallacies (faulty reasoning)
Such great ocean sounds! Amazing thank you Divinity for making ASMR.
This is really amazing work! Your patience and cadence is hypnotic on some level
Congratulations on your third 1 million view video!
Very good asmr, its really soothing and relaxing. Keep up the good work ❤️
Best ocean imitation video I’ve heard so far, makes me enjoy my sleep.
My goodness thank God for youtubes algorithm, I put on your videos and itll shuffle through your older ones also 😊❤ Been watching for some years now, your just fantastic
Viking woman summons the ocean asmr
This reminds me of nightime waves....I don't nkow why ....what would be different than day time? I guess I just imagine the dark skies and the moon with the water and waves shimmering, and sounding so so much like the real thing! Thanks Divinity!!
This is BRILLIANT!! I NEVER would have thought of this and it's V soothing
I don't subscribe to ANY asmr channels... I just stick with the vids that ive found that i enjoy... I came scross this one months ago when searching for "background noise asmr" and ive used it to sleep idk how many times since.
(Sidenote: i couldnt find it for awhile bc i kept searching "asmr sleep" just mentioning it because i really thunk this should be a top result for that search 🤷🏻♀️)
This chick truly has a unique talent that nobody else has come close to...
...and as it turns out, her other vids are just as good as this one... And theres SO MANY! Its all so good, i had to subscribe.
Girl, idk your actual name but whoever you are, i truly hope you are doing well enough off this that it's your whole job... (And thats saying something because for the most part i think too many people spend too much time trying to be youtube famous). But boy do you deserve it!
I cant believe you did this!!! Just wished a few days back that there was a longer version... and there is 🤤
"I'm kind of unhappy with it" - Divi
Video now has almost 2 million views. Your creative makeup is what first drew me to your channel! ☺️
Oh wow! I just randomly found this channel as a recommendation and let me tell you that you are not only talented but your makeup it's 💕🌟GORGEOUS 🌟💕
3 hours of towel sounds... i must have died and gone to heaven
I've had trouble sleeping this entire night. This video came on and i passed out, pheww thank you.
This was amazing to fall asleep to! Thank you!
Your makeup is amazing omg and the triggers are very relaxing
Oh my gosh that makeup is beautiful. Looks a bit like Yasha Njoordin from critical roll. Absolute storm goddess with those ocean towel sounds.
Surprised I’ve haven’t commented yet because this is like my favorite ASMR video of all time, I come back to it frequently.
Really love the makeup! Don't ever think that it's too much because it isn't!
this is so much better than the other videos, who are talking at the sam time. thank you for that
Your face paint is so intricate and beautiful. I really appreciate the effort you put into it.
I didn’t even realize everyone was talking about your face paint when I wrote this comment 😂
I searched a lot for something like this without talking and couldn't find until I saw this video... Thank you from my heart
im back again; this is my new top three fave.. Plus the make-up job is as mesmerizing as the waves
It's So Calming & Got Tingles, Awesome! 👌😌👍🏻💯🌠
The quality is outstanding
This is soothing and keeping me tired at work
Makeup is amazing as always! SKÅL 🍻
Glad the algorythm sent me this awesome video. These ocean/towel sounds are incredible! Subscribed. ✔️
This video feels like my brain is getting a bath it’s the best
Thank you again for a amazing experience I love to keep watching your videos thank you for making my day.
I am so glad i found her videos! First time ever listening tonight! Amazing acoustics! Such talent. So very soothing ! So glad i found this!!!❤❤❤
I didn't realize this was playing in the background thanks to auto play, and geniunely thought it was ocean sounds!
How could make oceans Waves sounds like that amazing 😍🤩🤩🤩🤩 ilove it
i literally listen these 3 full hours every day multiple times. I use a AUX cable to listen on the radio when working with heavy machinery
@@frankie3351 the falling asleep thing is sometimes a little skedgy on a 20 ton machine, but that's not a problem... 6/10 times
I just discovered your channel, I love this sound effect of the ocean that you have created. It really sounds like the ocean. Keep up the great work! So relaxing!
The makeup is amazing I love it! :D
Deep bassy ocean 🌊