Surviving a Freezing Night in the Wild Forest: Bushcraft Camping at -11°C Without Sleeping Bag

  • Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
  • In this survival challenge, I decided to spend a snowy, freezing night deep in the wild forest without a sleeping bag or equipment. With temperatures dropping to -11°C and even lower, I faced tough conditions right from the start. The journey began with heavy snow and blizzards. After crossing narrow, snowy paths and steep valleys, I reached a spot at 2100 meters above sea level to set up camp. The intense cold forced me to quickly build a shelter to stay warm.
    After starting a fire, I warmed myself and melted snow to make tea. Drinking the tea helped warm my body. The weather kept changing, sometimes foggy with icy snowflakes. After drinking the tea, a hot meal like bean stew was the best option. It provided high calories and helped keep my body warm. I heated it over the fire and ate. Night fell, and the extreme cold set in.
    ❄️Did I manage to survive this winter camping challenge and make it through the night?
    Dear friend, join me to experience a cold, snowy night in a mountain camp!❄️🔥⛺️
    Thank you for supporting me with likes, comments, and subscriptions so I can create better and stronger content. 💚
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    Survival in Freezing Conditions
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    Camping in Heavy Snow
    Winter Survival Skills

Комментарии • 57

  • @Survival_wild
    @Survival_wild Месяц назад +5

    As someone who always watches your videos first, I have to say they give an amazing feeling! Your work is incredible-you build shelters with the simplest things, proving you truly know what you’re doing. Unlike some people who turn it into a full-scale construction project. You’re awesome, man! Stay warm and stay strong!❤

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      Thank you so much 😀😍😍😍

  • @Arrowheadmaker
    @Arrowheadmaker 4 дня назад

    Good video and fast set up of shelter also Good deal :)

  • @stellamartinez6636
    @stellamartinez6636 Месяц назад +4

    Thanks for your video!! Maybe you didn't feel the cold but I sure did just watching you! Please stay safe and warm my dear friend ❤️

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      “Thank you! I truly appreciate your constant support. Take care, my friend!”❤️❤️

  • @missy183
    @missy183 Месяц назад +2

    Amazing video, thank you for sharing this beautiful place 💜 ❤️.

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed the video. It’s a beautiful place, and I’m happy to share it with you!❤️❤️

  • @Mountain_camp
    @Mountain_camp Месяц назад +2

    Winter camp in the snowy forest beautiful ❄️❄️

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      Thanks for your constant support, my good friend and mountain camping buddy!❤️❄️

  • @explorengawur
    @explorengawur Месяц назад +1

    sangatlah menantang bikij video di musik slaju🎉❤ Salam dari indo

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      Thank you so much bro ⛺️❤️💪🏻❄️

  • @stephensmith4480
    @stephensmith4480 Месяц назад +1

    Amazing stuff my friend. It's a joy watching someone who knows what they are doing and does it well, which you clearly do. Toasted Bread and Beans, one of my favourites, especially with some Cheese melted in with The Beans 😜👍

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      ❤️Thank you so much, my friend! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Toasted bread and beans are definitely a classic, and adding melted cheese makes it even better!😍

  • @Masi7474
    @Masi7474 Месяц назад +1

    Good vibe .tanks for sharing ❤

  • @kanalkurdistan
    @kanalkurdistan Месяц назад +1

    the Wild Forest

  • @Mountaincamping-u4v
    @Mountaincamping-u4v Месяц назад

    Winter in the forest is very beautiful, my friend🙋🏻‍♀️♥️🌨️💙🌨️💜🌨️🤍🌨️💚🌨️

  • @Nofixedabode859
    @Nofixedabode859 Месяц назад +1

    Hi there do you always camp in cold weather without sleeping gear and just a tarp and fire thx?

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      Hi! I enjoy challenging myself, so sometimes I camp in cold weather with just a tarp and a fire. It’s all about testing my survival skills and connecting with nature. Of course, I always take necessary precautions to stay safe and warm.🔥🔥❄️❄️❤️⛺️

  • @LalitSharma-qr7st
    @LalitSharma-qr7st Месяц назад +1

    Summers going to strt in india but i am enjoying winter throught your video😊

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      That’s really interesting! It’s winter here, and you’re getting closer to summer in India. I’m glad my video keeps the winter vibes alive for you!❤️

  • @Mountain_camp
    @Mountain_camp Месяц назад +1

    Glad enjoyed it❤️❄️❄️❄️

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      Thank you bro 😎👏🏻❄️

  • @moniqueponce1020
    @moniqueponce1020 Месяц назад +1

    Bonjour je vous vois souffler sur vos doigts ou sons les gants .quand on pars en randonnée. L hiver bon courage j esperes que tout iras bien bises❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @LalitSharma-qr7st
    @LalitSharma-qr7st Месяц назад

    Superb video my friend lots of love from india

  • @Survival_wild
    @Survival_wild Месяц назад +1


  • @Survival_wild
    @Survival_wild Месяц назад +1

    Nice bro 😎

  • @edgreen4645
    @edgreen4645 Месяц назад +2

    You have tarps and line and tools. Why not carry a sleeping bag, or at least one of the Mylar survival bags? Those weigh less than the length of line and take up less space than a pack of playing cards…lol!

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      Sleeping bags are too comfortable for me 😂 Gotta keep it wild! The fire’s warmth is all I need.

  • @derrolprice4399
    @derrolprice4399 Месяц назад +2

    You bring a hatchet, but no gloves 🤔

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      Is a hatchet the same as gloves? I don’t need gloves-I’m used to going into the snow and cold without them.

    • @derrolprice4399
      @derrolprice4399 Месяц назад +1

      @Wildsolocamp kinda crazy to me. I gotta protect them. You only get one pair. But all good enjoy yourself. Be safe out there.

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      @@derrolprice4399 ❤️ Thank you, my good friend!

  • @Angela-mi8yz
    @Angela-mi8yz Месяц назад +1

    Hi sweetie thanks for another lovely film relaxing for us but a lot of hard work for you, good fire and that stew and bread made us so hungry 😂 you know your hot drink in the flask- what was it that you added was it some kind of berry? Don't forget to keep your axe as sharp as possible so that you save energy! Are there any wild animals that you need to protect yourself from in your Forrest? That little bird was precious! So dear friend stay well and be safe God bless you always see you on your next adventure xx ang.

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      “Hi Ang, thank you so much for your kind words and support! I’m really happy that you enjoyed the video. Yes, making the fire and cooking took some effort, but it was totally worth it!
      For the hot drink in my flask, I added some dried lemon, wild thyme, and cinnamon-it gives a great flavor and keeps me warm in the cold.
      You’re absolutely right about the axe! I always try to keep it as sharp as possible to save energy. As for wild animals, there are wolves, bears, leopards, and wild boars here, but they usually stay away from humans unless they feel threatened.
      That little bird was a special moment-it’s amazing how nature always finds a way to bring beauty and peace to these adventures.
      Take care, my dear friend! Stay safe, and see you in the next adventure!
      Best wishes!”

    • @Angela-mi8yz
      @Angela-mi8yz Месяц назад

      ​@@WildsolocampThank you dear friend for always taking the time to answer xx my goodness there is so much for you to be aware of in your forest! I pray that God keeps you safe and keeps the animals that can harm you far away from you in Jesus mighty name amen. I will make my husband and I some of your lovely tea it sounds so good! I do enjoy our little chats thank you so much for taking the time to reply I realise that aas your channel grows it will not àlways be possible but for now it makes us very happy that we have a friend in Iran - be safe and be joyful xx and.

  • @born2wrench
    @born2wrench Месяц назад +2

    Build a fire first not your survival tent

  • @commonsense3895
    @commonsense3895 23 дня назад

    This is all for emtertamet

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  22 дня назад

      Camping and survival are a part of my life 😉 I enjoy it

  • @gpezzullo251
    @gpezzullo251 Месяц назад +1

    Can't be that cold, no gloves, dressed with lite clothes. This video is bullshit.

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      If you’ve ever truly experienced the cold, you’d understand that the right mindset and preparation can make all the difference. It’s not about the clothes, it’s about how you adapt to the environment😂😂😂

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад

      Instead of calling it ‘bullshit,’ maybe try it for yourself and see how real survival feels. It’s easy to criticize from a comfortable place, but true strength is built in the harshest conditions.

  • @chrisnoble5969
    @chrisnoble5969 Месяц назад +2

    I just seem to wonder why not just drag the dead tree back to the camp sight and then strip it of it's branches and leaves? They're all useful, is it that heavy to pull all the way back to camp?

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      It’s a good idea, but sometimes dragging a whole tree back to camp takes too much energy, especially in deep snow. Cutting and carrying smaller pieces is often more efficient!

    • @chrisnoble5969
      @chrisnoble5969 Месяц назад

      @Wildsolocamp I suppose. I hate to be a critic. And in dragging a whole tree back, the branches could get caught on everything between the fall and the camp sight too, which would be the definition of a drag, lol.

  • @Bushcraft-k9k
    @Bushcraft-k9k Месяц назад +2

    Nice bro 🎉

    • @Wildsolocamp
      @Wildsolocamp  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks for the visit❤️🎄