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Dec 7, 2024 8:22 AM

Nov 2011
Yeah, this competitive match just went completely crazy. The battle for Akane really went beyond common sense lmao. Azusa is crazy.

Fun to see Shampoo back! She has that fiery personality.

Dec 7, 2024 8:25 AM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverDec 7, 2024 9:50 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 7, 2024 9:45 AM

Jun 2019
What an amazing episode with the first half focused on the match and it went so well with so many funny moments in there. It was so funny with the usual banter between Ryoga and Ranma but they won at the end, and that's what matters the most.

As for the second half. Shampoo is finally here and she's so chaotic and adorable. She follows Ranma throughout his journey in order to kill him for defeating her in a fight and the Kiss of Death is the sign of that. It was such an amazing episode. So funny and cute at times. Beautiful as usual with great storyboarding and awesome direction.

Akane was jealous of that kiss. HEHE
Dec 7, 2024 9:56 AM

Dec 2021
I'm starting to believe that this romance tag is really indicating that Ryouga and Ranma are the main couple around here because that was the most couple squabble ever xD

Nice to see Shampoo finally make her debut. She was about the only thing I remember from the little I watched of the OG of this, and yeah, still best girl even after so long lmao.

Dec 7, 2024 10:16 AM

Nov 2016
Don't hate on my man Ryouga.

And yess, Shampoo is here. About time for yandere activities. Ngl, had a big crush on her as a child because of how bold she was.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 7, 2024 10:20 AM
Sep 2024
Amazing end of the fight, and first W of many for my boy Ryoga! Sorry haters, he's here to stay, and to keep winning* (sometimes).

The original anime ended the fight in a different way, so I'm glad Mappa stayed close to the manga with this.

Aaaaaand Shampoo is here. I'm not gonna say worst girl, since Kodachi exists you know, but man, I don't like her at all. Seems the most unidimensional character in the entire series.

Yeah, she is cute. And that's mostly where her good things end. But at least I don't go like she should die, or I hope every episode with her is skipped, like post I've seen here about other characters... There are some good episodes with Shampoo for sure.

We enter the last arc of the first season, Shampoo intro arc, hope we have news of more chapters soon.

Dec 7, 2024 10:20 AM

Feb 2019
This ice skating arc was definitely the best of the series thus far. Just absolutely ridiculous in the best possible way and hilarious throughout, lmao. Ryoga and Ranma are like water and oil but they somehow came out on top despite their best efforts not to with all the infighting.

Mikado and Azusa being simps for Ranma and P chan respectively were their downfalls. Azusa getting super strength when Ryoga said P chan wasn’t coming back had me rolling too 😂 she’s really a wolf in sheep’s clothing just a little slow is all. I love how after the match she didn’t even care about Mikado being damn near dead, just wanted the blanket back he was using on the stretcher lmaooo

Shampoo finally here! Been wondering when she’d show up. Ever since I seen her on the key visual I knew I’d love her and not disappointed so far. We needed more Yandere representation in this series and now Ranma got a full harem as both a girl and boy so his life is gonna be even crazier now. The “kiss of death” right in front of Akane is craaaazy though. She just got rid of the gymnastics girl now she gotta deal with a Chinese Amazon going after her man lol

Can’t wait for next ep to see how she reacts
Marinate1016Dec 7, 2024 10:48 AM
Dec 7, 2024 10:56 AM
Aug 2023
now that we've seen pretty much everyone we're gonna see this cour, i feel like i can say that this is one the most perfectly cast dubs i've ever seen. especially now that they've introduced shampoo, the performance feels a lot more authentic with the accent and broken english coming across a lot more naturally, when in the original it felt a bit more hammed up and played for laughs. i will say that it's a little awkward introducing her halfway through an episode, it felt a little more natural in the original where her introduction was a standalone plotline instead of picking up after the skating arc, but they segue into it decently enough. i thought it was just a setback of the faster pacing, but apparently that's how it happens in the manga, so it makes sense that they'd do it that way here.
Dec 7, 2024 11:10 AM

Jan 2018
Enter Chinese Lum Shampoo!

But first things first, the intro scene with the ninjas was awesome lol. It might be my favorite one so far.

The continuation of the match was great. Mikado is so delusional that he convinced himself that every girl wants him. Meanwhile, Azusa is in her own little world where she thinks anything cute belongs to her. I loved how Ranma and Ryoga pretended to have a lovers' spat to bait Mikado into them lol. In the end, I think Furinkan School won thanks to Ryoga despite him not being a student there. It's too bad Azusa and Mikado didn't have their delusions broken. Despite losing I feel like they'll just keep being jerks. And despite being an idiot, Azusa still figured out Ryoga might be "Charlotte". Akane could never.

Of course, the highlight of this episode was Shampoo! She's finally here. Her entrance here was different from the OG. I checked the manga and sure enough, the remake is more accurate to the source material as she does appear at the end of the Martial Arts Figure Skating arc chapter. This episode basically also adapts the first chapter of Shampoo. I think this is the first time the Remake adapted two different stories in one episode kinda like UY Remake. I wonder if there will be more multi-story episodes like this in Ranma remake. But this episode had only one title, Kiss of Death, which is Shampoo's debut chapter name. So, it seems unlikely. At least for now. There's still time until the episodic stuff begins.

I also remember how crazy the episode orders made me in the OG. Chronologically the Shampoo episodes happen after the Skating arc. But the producers aired the episodes earlier both to delay the Skating episodes cause the name of the first episode would be in poor taste because of a series of real-life kidnappings that happened at the time and to introduce Shampoo earlier to bring in more viewers as the show was struggling. This created a lot of continuity errors such as Ranma's first kiss. That was probably one of the reasons why the OG didn't directly lead into Shampoo after the Skating arc but instead had a slightly different setup that started with the episode.

Anyway, this was a crazy episode. Probably the best episode of the remake yet. I probably laughed the most in this episode because of all the shenanigans.
0451Dec 7, 2024 11:15 AM
Dec 7, 2024 11:21 AM

Feb 2012
Ranma and Ryoga's plan worked against that horndog but his Kleptomaniac partner is a tough one. Ryoga's determination to stay dry lands the pair a victory but they are back to their old ways soon after.
Akane falls into the water after trying to mediate and Ryoga risers his identity to save her
aah, no Genma being kidnapped as a panda part to be a berubara reference.

Well, time for best girl's debut. She is as gorgeous as ever. I think that's her Japanese VA phonetically reciting Mandarin, right?
Losing to an outsider has different implications of it was a girl or a boy and Ranma is the first to find out both. Does this mean Ranma's first kiss in either form was from Shampoo?
Fortress_MaximusDec 8, 2024 6:52 AM

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Dec 7, 2024 11:28 AM

Jan 2019
Dec 7, 2024 11:51 AM

Aug 2016
Loved Shampoo's cute accent. Excited to see more of her in the upcoming episodes!
Dec 7, 2024 12:27 PM
Jan 2019

Shampoo is such a fun, pretty, bloodthirsty troublemaker. It's great to see her once again.

You can already see Akane dying of jealousy, she's going to be forced to realize her feelings a little bit more. And likewise, Ranma will be between a rock and a hard place due to the Amazon's shenanigans. Some great content ahead.

Dec 7, 2024 12:34 PM

Dec 2013
Ryoga can't stop being a piece of trash but at least fan favorite Shampoo is finally here.
Dec 7, 2024 12:37 PM
Jul 2021
atreidesmallcop said:
now that we've seen pretty much everyone we're gonna see this cour, i feel like i can say that this is one the most perfectly cast dubs i've ever seen. especially now that they've introduced shampoo, the performance feels a lot more authentic with the accent and broken english coming across a lot more naturally, when in the original it felt a bit more hammed up and played for laughs. i will say that it's a little awkward introducing her halfway through an episode, it felt a little more natural in the original where her introduction was a standalone plotline instead of picking up after the skating arc, but they segue into it decently enough. i thought it was just a setback of the faster pacing, but apparently that's how it happens in the manga, so it makes sense that they'd do it that way here.

Tbh though the way she came in the original with her own stand alone episode was uncanon. In the manga, she comes right after they finish skating just like in this episode. This was the best way they could have done it.
Dec 7, 2024 12:48 PM

Mar 2013
I'm not sure where I saw it, but somewhere I'd seen that this would be a 10 episode cour. It sounded a little weird since most anime seasons run 12 episodes at their shortest, but I figured it was a natural thing for a Netflix series and didn't think much more of it. Whoever had said that was clearly mistaken, though, as it looks like we have at least 1 more episode (so likely a 12th too). Weird.
Dec 7, 2024 1:36 PM
Mar 2021
Kiss of death? Nah, Shampoo gave Ranma the kiss of love
Dec 7, 2024 2:06 PM
Jul 2023
bro is kissing anyone but akane 😭😭🙏🙏

Dec 7, 2024 2:12 PM
Dec 2013
Best character in Ranma 1/2, Shampoo, is finally here, but in digital ink and paint this time. One of the most popular characters in the series too, appearing throughout the manga with lots of screentime (unlike Kodachi, who despite debuting before Shampoo, barely appears in the series). Hearing her talk in broken English in the English dub of Ranma 1/2 (1989) and the manga is hilarious and partly why I like her so much, so watching it subbed is not as good. They're probably going to change it to her just speaking normally in the English dub of this new version. Another thing I like about her is her character design. The most appealing out of all the characters (though, I think is Ukyo is hotter than her). And another reason I like her is the fact that her name is literally Shampoo. That's what the author decided to name her! That's not a name, that's what you wash your hair with. And that's her actual name, apparently. Not even a nickname. I remember her becoming my favourite character when it showed her hanging upside down. Only 3 more supporting characters that appear regularly are yet to be shown, but they're all less popular than Chinese girl Shampoo.
wildhoodDec 15, 2024 8:18 AM
Dec 7, 2024 2:24 PM

Jun 2017
Jeez this whole ice skating duel was so drawn out but at least Shampoo made up for it. She just appeared but I am already liking her.
Dec 7, 2024 2:48 PM

Jan 2009
shampoo is finally here
Dec 7, 2024 3:30 PM
May 2017
Another excellent episode!

Enter Shampoo, who intensely loves and hates Ranma...

Unofficial Breasts Comparison Table
        Shampoo       | 89cm
        Ranma Saotome | 87cm
        Kasumi Tendou | 85cm
        Nabiki Tendou | 83cm
        Ukyou Kuonji  | 82cm
        Akane Tendou  | 80cm
leonardobarbaDec 8, 2024 7:08 AM
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Dec 7, 2024 4:56 PM
Sep 2014
I'm not that familiar with Chinese, but hearing Shampoo in her native tongue has me curious if it is actually Chinese or just a soundalike language? The Oni language in UY was most likely just nonsense (unless Takahashi did actually have a language in mind?), but this feels more like it could be approximating what a Chinese language would be, even if it's a specific dialect to this Amazon tribe
Dec 7, 2024 4:59 PM

Apr 2022
Reply to KanameYuuki
Ryoga can't stop being a piece of trash but at least fan favorite Shampoo is finally here.
@KanameYuuki took the words right out of my mouth lol.
Dec 7, 2024 5:36 PM
Sep 2022
Best girl finally appeared
Dec 7, 2024 6:28 PM

Dec 2018
So the ending to the ice skating arc really was quite different in the manga, it was a lot of fun and I really liked the way they all got cramped between those giant pieces of ice before Ryoga went sicko mode on them, but imo the OG anime did it better, I just liked the level of crazy it got there more than here slightly more, this also means we didn’t get to see Akane shredding it in the remake but it is what it is, they still did a great job on this arc in the remake.

And damn, so Shampoo just shows up like that in the manga huh, another thing I felt the OG did better was having her introduction happen as a separate story, but it is nice at least that there’s no episode re-ordering here lol. But man Shampoo is really nice here in the remake, her kiss scenes were great, one was a kiss of death, but the other… we’ll have to wait and see lol, Akane sure was pissed tho. And she’s sounding as great as ever too, not sure if that’s the same VA or not but she’s doing a great job so far. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Shampoo in the remake, I like her quite a bit in the OG but she does have her rough moments too, but overall I’m a fan of her.
Dec 7, 2024 7:47 PM

Feb 2017
Shampoo has finally appeared! I'm a big fan of her. I'm excited to see more of her in this remake. if I remember correctly, her appearance is a bit different in the old anime.

ㅤㅤ I love Nao Tomori ♡
ㅤㅤ友利奈緒のことが大好きです ♥

let's feel good
レッツ フィールグッドします
Dec 7, 2024 7:48 PM

May 2015
As one battle finishes up, another one starts! Ranma can't seem to catch a break. He does carry some of the blame for Shampoo's grudge with how he and Genma just started eating her prize lol.

Speaking of Shampoo, I really like how they introduced her! She sounds great.
Dec 7, 2024 8:44 PM
Dec 2019
Bets girl!!!!!!!!!!!
Dec 7, 2024 10:17 PM
John Titor

Jul 2017
The real hero here was P-chan :O .

And finally, Shampoo! Though I watched the original this remake makes me feel the same excitement as when I was watching Ranma ½ for the first time.
Mi música chiptune (auténtica, no fakebit) / My chiptune music (real, no fakebit)
Battle of the Bits
Dec 8, 2024 1:35 AM

Aug 2020
Another great ep

Ryouga was ready to do everything for Akane

welcome to the new Chinese character
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Dec 8, 2024 3:18 AM
Feb 2020
I've been keeping track of how far along the new anime is versus the original anime. By the end of all the ice skating plot, we're roughly half way through Episode 10 here, but the original anime finishes up this storyline with the end of Episode 16. This brings us to roughly Chapter 30 of the manga, with the original anime often focusing on 1-2 chapters (with the occasional three or four chapters covered) per episode, and the new anime averaging anywhere from 2-4 chapters per episode.

Notably, the original hits an episode of filler with Episode 17, focusing on Tofu Ono's mother coming to town to find him a wife who has "suitably wide, strong hips." Apparently, this episode also ends up contradicting the canon of the show, but I won't spoil that for any new watchers (can be found on the wiki).

Nevertheless, things get back on track with the first half of Episode 18 in the original anime following the plot of the second half of Episode 10 in the new anime with the introduction of Shampoo. It's been fun to see how the pacing compares, with now a roughly eight episode difference by Chapter 31.
Dec 8, 2024 3:41 AM
Apr 2021
Reply to holdingnothing
I'm not that familiar with Chinese, but hearing Shampoo in her native tongue has me curious if it is actually Chinese or just a soundalike language? The Oni language in UY was most likely just nonsense (unless Takahashi did actually have a language in mind?), but this feels more like it could be approximating what a Chinese language would be, even if it's a specific dialect to this Amazon tribe
@holdingnothing Native Chinese speaker here. I believe it is just an approximation, because while I could make out some words she said, the pronunciation was significantly off and I likely wouldn't be able to tell without the immediate translation by the tour guide. Other than those words, it sounded mostly like gibberish to me, though I can't speak to if it's in a specific dialect, as I'm not that familiar with dialects, though it is possible. To me, it seems most likely the VA was just given a script and was told to read it in a Chinese accent without any specific instruction on pronunciation. As an approximation of Mandarin Chinese, it's honestly not that good, since it sounds more like Alya's Russian to me, though that may be because I speak Chinese and not Russian. The VA might have been using a stereotypical Chinese accent for Japanese people, which would account for the inaccuracy, though that's just speculation on my part. That's also probably why there aren't subtitles when she's talking in "Chinese" (at least on the website I'm watching from).
Dec 8, 2024 8:02 AM
Jul 2013
Victory for Ryoga and Ranma over Mikado and Azusa.

Although the best part came at the end, this turned GOD-tier— the best character of this series and my childhood crush made her appearance.

Dec 8, 2024 8:18 AM

Apr 2024
Great episode! Finally it is time for Shampoo!
Wedding Cakeeee!!! Main Candies: Bonus Candies:
Dec 8, 2024 8:41 AM

Jan 2024
Ryouga was the MVP. Literally and figuratively crushed Mikado with iceberg. Also jumped into save Akane even risking his identity. Haters gonna hate but my guy defended his pig honour brilliantly.

Mikado thinks he is the mc only "man" getting harem is the "girl" he tried to seduce. Really enjoyed the way he got tricked by Ranma then fell into water. Azusa though is one dangerous specimen.

So the very famous Shampoo made her debut. And she is chinese yandere. But kissing a man isn't kiss of death ig so I think she will obsess over boy and try murder the girl.
Ranma is getting kissed by everyone except Akane, thats the kind of thing I expected.
Dec 8, 2024 9:24 AM

May 2021
I couldn't wait for Shampoo to appear cause she looked so cool but idk, when I finally saw her I realized that she will be a freak and I don't like freaks who annoy Ranma

Plus it's so cute to see Akane getting angry when Shampoo kissed Ranma. It's obvious there's no real love yet between Ranma and Akane, but they accepted their fiancé relationship and both act like the other is their property. And Shampoo shouldn't touch the property of Akane

(realized Ranma isn’t an asshole like Ryouga, as he keeps P-chan’s identity a secret, unlike Ryouga, who openly talks about Ranma’s feminine side without hesitation even in front of Shampoo)
N_ErwannDec 8, 2024 10:30 AM
Dec 8, 2024 10:02 AM

Jul 2017
My man Ranma needs a day off, and a kiss from his fiancé this time
Pears are queens of the light
Dec 8, 2024 1:17 PM
Mar 2020
amazing arc, i'm waiting for the finishing of this series.
Dec 8, 2024 1:31 PM

Oct 2014
It was a pleasure to see the crazy pair work as a crazy pair (Yuuki Aoi & Miyano Mamoru) wasn't expecting that at all.
And also Shampoo is finally back? Nice, but that also means Happosai is getting closer...

I wonder if this will be just one cour, or how long will go on.

Intelligent gets through situations which wise avoids.
Dec 8, 2024 1:32 PM
Sep 2014
Reply to PhoenixWasTaken
@holdingnothing Native Chinese speaker here. I believe it is just an approximation, because while I could make out some words she said, the pronunciation was significantly off and I likely wouldn't be able to tell without the immediate translation by the tour guide. Other than those words, it sounded mostly like gibberish to me, though I can't speak to if it's in a specific dialect, as I'm not that familiar with dialects, though it is possible. To me, it seems most likely the VA was just given a script and was told to read it in a Chinese accent without any specific instruction on pronunciation. As an approximation of Mandarin Chinese, it's honestly not that good, since it sounds more like Alya's Russian to me, though that may be because I speak Chinese and not Russian. The VA might have been using a stereotypical Chinese accent for Japanese people, which would account for the inaccuracy, though that's just speculation on my part. That's also probably why there aren't subtitles when she's talking in "Chinese" (at least on the website I'm watching from).
@PhoenixWasTaken Yeah, definitely feels in the vein of Whose Line Is IT Anyway when they do Foreign Film Dub, falling into generalized sounding stuff for language families. They'd usually only put Japanese subtitles over it in original if it was meant to be something to convey to the audience (not always, I can recall anime where a character is meant to be speaking a foreign language, but it's intended as secret for story purposes as to what they said). Dutch in Blade of the Immortal, English in several series, probably a few other foreign languages, but not always translated because it's explained anyway (a Brazilian in Let's Make a Mug Cup's 2nd season for instance, I don't think she tends to speak Portuguese, she mixes it in her Japanese)
Dec 8, 2024 2:15 PM
Mar 2009
I totally loved the kiss of death
Dec 8, 2024 3:06 PM

Jun 2021
these introductions are becoming more and more odd.

Azusa somehow has recognized Ryoga as "Charlotte" and isn't even actually aware... absurd.

Goddamnit, girl Ranma saved Ryoga's body from touching cold water, and he did great before in climbing his way out (but even greater later). And then, he made Furinkan win even if he isn't even a actual student of the school to begin with. Good for him Akane is already shown as someone who can't swim and she doesn't see him turning into pig form.

What the hell... i was aware by accidental spoilers that Shampoo would have finally entered the scene in this episode, but i can confirm it seems weird to see it happening immediately after another arc and also in a different location. Rewatching how girl Ranma defeated Shampoo and cursed himself / herself is a classic scene and never gets old. She is great at tracking people without technology, can't remember if i already pointed this out during my last rewatch of the original series in 2021 (and she isn't the only one but i digress)

So... no cosplay for panda Genma this time.

But at least I don't go like she should die, or I hope every episode with her is skipped, like post I've seen here about other characters... There are some good episodes with Shampoo for sure.

yeah... thank you, even if i never disliked her and my point stands for someone else from the series.
_untitledDec 8, 2024 3:09 PM
Dec 8, 2024 3:29 PM

May 2015
I remember having a crush on her like 20 years ago when I was still a kid
Her design is still so cute
Dec 8, 2024 5:49 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So the great Shampoo appears and I wasn't expecting her to speak in her Chinese dialect in the English dub. So Ranma has been kissed by two people including Shampoo twice so far. Akane going to be super jealous now that she has found a worthy opponent in this love polygon.
Dec 8, 2024 7:19 PM

Feb 2016
Female Ranma has such a funny ahh voice I swear lmao, hearing her panicking is hilarious.

I love the transitions in this story, like, is not like they ended the fight with that annoying duo, and then, next episode, canonically after who knows how many days, Shampoo appeared, no, here is everything connected, shit doesn't stop! The same happened when Ryoga appeared, and then Kuno.
I also love how every time someone get knocked the fuck out he does the 🤟 hands, a really goofy detail.

Shampoo is finally here, I kinda know her because she is a fan favorite, 1st time really meeting her and I already see why everyone loves her lol
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Dec 8, 2024 8:31 PM
Oct 2014
Reply to KanameYuuki
Ryoga can't stop being a piece of trash but at least fan favorite Shampoo is finally here.
@KanameYuuki Agreed on Shampoo, she easily was the best part of the episode.
Dec 8, 2024 8:36 PM
Oct 2014
This ice-skating crap couldn't finish sooner. Also people actually liking Ryoga's character is crazy to me. His schtick has already gotten old, but thankfully Shampoo (best part of the episode) is finally here to make up for the last 3 episodes.
Dec 8, 2024 8:49 PM

Apr 2015
Well I'm glad the ice skating battle ended. The previous episode felt like it was dragging the battle out too much, but the conclusion this episode was enjoyable. Ryoga's desperate attempt to not fall in the water was hilarious. But I also gotta say, he's a lot more annoying than I'd remembered....shame that Akane still hasn't figured out that he is P-chan.

And Shampoo appears! Ngl the Mandarin attempt was horrendous, but that's nothing new.

"As promised, all that you seek, all that we desire, is prepared up there. On top of the Tower."
Dec 9, 2024 5:01 AM

May 2009
@holdingnothing @PhoenixWasTaken The Mandarin script was legit! You can tell by listening to the English dub (which has been absolutely phenomenal) where it’s the same script, but intelligible.

It sounds like the Japanese VA, Rei Sakuma, might have a little grasp or experience with the language, as it sounds like she’s at least attempting the tones. (Same VA as from the original Ranma, after all.)

The English VA is Grace Lu, who I had a little trouble understanding at first, but still sounded great! She has a Laotian and Taiwanese flag in her insta bio; it’s possible she has a Taiwanese accent, or she spoke a different dialect growing up, or Mandarin is simply not her native tongue. (She pronounces the “jīn” in “jīn tiān” (今天, “today”) as “jǐn”, and the “yì” in “yì nián” (一年, “one year”) as “yí”, neither of which I’ve heard before. Someone who knows Taiwanese accents please confirm if these were an accent/dialect thing or a non-native tongue hiccup lol)

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